P. 44

FUNCTIONS:                                                English  11
                                •  Talking about landmarks and monuments
                                                                                              Theme 7
                                •  Describing cities and historic sites              Facts About Turkey 20
                                •  Asking for and giving more detailed information
         1.  What are the main features of the region/city you live in? Share some facts about it with your

         2.  Listen and answer the following questions about the interview. More than one option is possible.
                 Tapescript 7.2.1

               1   Felipe thinks the cultures in Ecuador and Colombia are .............................................. .
                   a    completely different     b    basically the same  c    incompatible
               2   Colombians are more worried about ...................................... than Ecuadoreans.
                   a    money                 b    nothing              c    working

               3   Both countries have .............................................. .
                   a    the same population     b    highlands          c    coastal areas
               4   Colombia is ............................................. than Ecuador.
                   a    smaller               b    bigger               c    richer

               5   Both countries eat a lot of  .............................................. .
                   a    fruit                 b    corn                 c    meat

         3.  Read the passage and answer the questions.

                       The Most Irrefutable Offer in Turkey:
                                  A Glass of Tea
                In Turkey, thousands of glasses of tea are drunk every day, but
                tea is preferred mostly as black, sweet and served in small tulip
                glasses. Turkish tea is not just a kind of drink; it’s a tradition
                that revolves around hospitality. Wherever you go in Turkey,
                it’s  traditional to  be offered a  glass of Turkish tea  as a sign
                of  welcome when you’re at  someone’s  home or  in a  shop.
                Surprisingly, compared  to tea’s history of thousands  years,
                Turkish tea is relatively young. Some sources mention that tea
                was traded and consumed in 400 B.C., but it is certain that tea
                only became common in Turkey from the 1900s onwards. The
                first  attempt  to  grow  tea  on Turkish  soil  took  place  in  Bursa
                between 1888 and 1892. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a success
                since  this part of the country is ecologically  inadequate  for
                growing tea. In 1924, a law about tea growing was passed by
                the government in the east of the Black Sea region. Today, 767
                million m² of land is used to grow tea, and it is the second most
                consumed Turkish drink after water.

              1    How is tea preferred mostly in Turkey?
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
              2    According to the author, which value is associated with serving tea?
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
              3    Why was the attempt to grow tea in Bursa unsuccessful?
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
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