P. 45

4.  Find a Turkish song related to tea and try to translate it in English. Sing the translated song to
              your friends.

          5.  Circle the correct words.
               Celine:  When are you going on holiday?

               Oliver:  Next weekend. It is going to be the more/most relaxing time of the year.
               Celine:  That place on the coast where you are staying, is it hotter/hottest than here?
               Oliver:  Not really! It’s more cold/colder than here, and there is usually more/most wind. So,
                       the temperature is normally five or six degrees lower more/than here.
               Celine:  And, it’s the world’s more/most attractive coast.
               Oliver:  Really? Well, it’s more/most beautiful than other places, but we can’t swim in the ocean.
               Celine:  Yeah, unfortunately.

          6.  Read the texts and answer the questions.

                Harry                        Martin                       Jack

               This is Harry. He is 17 years   This is Martin. He is 16 years   This is Jack. He is 18 years
               old. He likes eating junk     old. He is 1.75 m. tall and   old. He is a very tall boy with
               food more than fruit and      65 kg. He is not very tall. He   1.98 m. and 80 kg. He is fit
               vegetables. He is a bit plump.   doesn’t like any kind of junk   and healthy. He often eats
               He is 1.55 m. tall and 70 kg.   food. He sometimes plays   fruit and vegetables. Also, he
               He loves watching TV, but     football with his friends. He   practices tennis every day.
               rarely does exercises. He tries   passes all his exams with   He studies very hard and his
               hard, but his grades are mostly   average grades.          grades are very good.

              1    Who is the tallest boy?  ............................................................................................................ .
              2    Who is the youngest boy? ........................................................................................................ .
              3    Whose grades are better, Harry’s or Martin’s?  ................................................................. .
              4    Which of the three boys eats junk food most? .................................................................. .

          7.  Imagine you were a traveler and visited Rize last week. Write a blog to give information about the
              city using the notes. You can search on the Net if necessary.

                                      Hello, my dear followers. You know I went to Rize last week, and I want
                                      to  share some  information with you about the city.  Let’s  start  with its
                                      location. Rize is located in ............................................ . Rize is famous
                                      for its ...................................................................... .You have the chance
                                      to eat ............................................................ . You can join different and
                                      enjoyable activities there. For example, ................................................ .
                                      I had a lovely weekend in Rize thanks to many good things including
                                      the local people’s hospitality, delightful local cuisine, and different kinds
                                      of sport facilities. In other words, ............................................................ .
                                      Please meet me with some new information about a different city next

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