Page 78 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 78
English 9
What’s the address? Tapescript 9.1.2
Caller I’m sorry. I’m trying to handle it. 124 Lakeview
Lane in Kent. Please send an ambulance! 1 Jane The weather is fabulous. It is warm and sunny.
Operator What’s your name? Mary Let’s go to the beach!
Caller Susan Johnson. 2 Judy We all love Chinese food.
Operator What’s your husband’s name? Sarah What about going to the restaurant?
Caller Jack Johnson. 3 Matthew I feel very hungry.
Operator Just remain calm! Help is on the way! Sam Shall we order a pizza?
2 Operator Nine-one-one, operator. Which service do you 4 Jonathan I feel bored nowadays.
require? Ashley What about going for a walk?
Caller Oh, I guess I’ve been robbed. I saw a man in my 5 Tom Next Saturday is Susan’s birthday.
house when I got back home. Noah Why don’t we give her a surprise party?
Operator Try not to panic, sir. Is he still in there? Tapescript 9.2.1
Caller Not sure. I am really terrified!
Operator Keep calm and take a deep breath, please. Can 1 Jane Mary Watson’s office, Jane speaking.
you tell me your name and the address? Victor Hi. Can I speak to Mary Watson, please?
Caller Ellon Jinks. My address is 776 Even Street, Jane Could I ask who’s calling?
Portway. Victor Victor Coleman.
Operator OK, sir. I am sending the police officers to your Jane Hold on a moment, please.
direction. 2 Ted Hello, it’s Ted.
Caller Thank you. Oh, I am not sure what I should do. Lisa Hi, Ted. It’s me, Lisa. Is Tina available?
Operator Just hold on and they will come very soon to see Ted Sorry, Lisa, she is engaged now. Would you like to
what they can do. leave her a message?
3 Operator Nine-one-one. What’s your emergency? Lisa Can you ask her to call me, please?
Caller Help! We are lost! Ted Of course. Bye.
Operator Can you give the location where you are lost? Tapescript 9.3.1
Caller We are skiers. We’ve lost the sight down the
Mount Bamba, and can’t find the way. Assistant Hello, how can I help you?
Operator How many people are you? Customer Hi. I want to buy a Myphone 8. Do you have it?
Caller Four. Assistant Yes, we do. Do you want 64 gigabytes or 128
Operator All right. Please stay at the same place, all of you. gigabytes?
Don’t use your mobile phones not to run out of Customer 64, please.
battery. The rescue service will be there soon to Assistant OK, let me check. We have only one left and it is 128
take you. gigabytes.
4 Operator Hello, nine-one-one. What emergency are you Customer Well… That’s OK. How much is it?
reporting? Assistant Its regular price is 499 dollars, but you are lucky
Caller My house is on fire! because it is 10% off the regular price today. And
Operator What is your address? the screen protector comes for free with it.
Caller 1547 West Lake Street, Minneapolis. Customer Perfect. Can I pay by credit card?
Operator Are you in the house, sir? Assistant Yes, sure.
Caller No! I’m outside of it at the moment. Customer And one more thing! Can you gift-wrap it, please?
Operator That’s fine. Please keep calm, and we’ll send you Assistant Of course.
the required service immediately. Customer Thanks.
Tapescript 8.3.2 Tapescript 10.1.1
1. It is forbidden to feed pigeons in Venice/Italy. 1 Mark Hey, Steve! Can you give me a hand for some
2. You can’t wear a mask in public in Denmark. time?
3. It is not allowed to fly a kite in Victoria/Australia. Steve Er... I’m sorry, Mark. I’m really busy.
4. You are required to walk your dog daily in Rome/Italy. 2 Tony Are you planning to call John and apologize for
5. You mustn’t build a sandcastle in Spain. the mistake?
Olivia I don’t think that it is a mistake. So… I won’t do
Tapescript 9.1.1 that.
1 Monica Can you turn the music down, please? It’s too 3 David I need someone to tell me the truth. Can you do
loud. that, Mia?
Thomas Of course. There you go. Mia Oh… It is a bit complicated, David. I really want
Monica Thanks. to, but I can’t.
2 Joe Dad, would you make a sandwich for me? I’m 4 Nora Which city are you planning to see this summer?
hungry. Hannah Yeah! I can’t wait for the summer. Uh… I guess I
Father I’m sorry, Joe but I must leave now. will visit NY.
Joe No problem. I’ll make one. 5 John I have no idea why Mary doesn’t talk to me. Do
3 Alison Could you open the window? It’s hot in here. you know why?
Jennifer Sure. Debra Well… She thinks you don’t want her to be in the
Alison OK. Thank you. team.
4. Paul Will you do the shopping, please? I’m busy. 6 Maria What do think about Susan’s new project?
Sally I’d love to, but I can’t. Liz is coming. Robert Susan’s project? Um… It sounds interesting.
Paul Oh, that’s fine.