Page 74 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 74
English 9
This street is for pedestrians only. There are a lot of shops such as Bye!
a music shop, a clothes shop and a shoe shop on it. There are also Judy See you later!
two banks and an art gallery on the Liberty Street.
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John Hey, Daddy, how is everything?
Adam Bob, what is your favorite free time activity? John’s Dad Not bad, John.
Bob It’s cycling. I love it! John Guess what! I’m off for a couple of days and I will
Adam That’s nice. How often do you do it? visit you.
Bob Almost every day. I start my day with cycling and feel John’s Dad Oh, great! That’s a nice surprise. So, what is the
fantastic all day long. date of your flight?
Adam Why do you like it? John Next Wednesday. 7 March. Can you pick me up at
Bob Because I believe it’s good for my health and it’s the airport?
environment-friendly. I’m also fond of nature. John’s Dad Sure, with pleasure. What about the time?
Adam Oh, I see. John Well, the departure here is at 6:15 p.m. and the
Bob What about you? Do you like outdoor activities? arrival is two hours later, at 8:15 p.m.
Adam I suppose, I don’t prefer being physically active. John’s Dad Then, I should be at the airport at around 8 o’clock.
Bob Come on Adam! Exercising is very important for health. Just in case you arrive earlier.
Adam I’m sure, it is. However, I prefer staying at home and John And... Please do not tell anything to mommy.
reading. Let’s make a surprise.
Bob So, you like indoor activities, then. Are you interested in John’s Dad OK. I won’t. Don’t worry. I can’t wait, John.
doing origami, collecting stamps or cooking? John Time flies, daddy. You know it.
Adam No. I think, they are a waste of time! John’s Dad It does, it does.
Bob I’m sorry, but I don’t agree with you. Cooking is Tapescript 3.3.1
Adam Why don’t you cook and invite me for dinner tomorrow? Joe Hi, guys. I need your answers for a survey on your
Bob Oh, I’d love to. It’ll be my pleasure! preferences. What kind of clothes do you prefer?
Adam Well, see you tomorrow, then. What sort of music would you rather listen to?
Bob See you Adam, bye. Mike Well.. I prefer casual clothes to formal clothes. I usually
Tapescript 3.1.2 wear jeans, T-shirts and sneakers. I’d rather listen to
pop music than rock. I think rock music is unbearable.
1 Tom What time is it Mary? Joe Thank you, Mike. So, what about you, Ted?
Mary Rr… It’s eight thirty-two. Ted Unlike Mike, I prefer wearing formal clothes because I
Tom Thanks. like being stylish and I want to look impressive. As for
2 Susan What date is it today? music, I can’t stand rock music, either. I’d prefer to
Sally It’s June the second. listen to classical music because I think it is relaxing.
Susan Thank you. Joe Thanks, Ted. What are your preferences, Sarah?
3 Tim What’s the time, guys? Sarah Actually, I never listen to classical or pop music.
Bill Twenty to four. Personally, my choice is listening to rock music. It is
Tim Oh, we are late. an energizer. Like Mike, I‘d sooner wear casual clothes
4 Sofie When is the final exam? than formal ones.
Laura It’s next week. On the fourteenth of July. Joe Thank you all, guys. Catch you later.
Sofie Good. We have plenty of time.
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Jane Hey, Judy! You look down. What’s wrong? Pharmacist This is High Street Pharmacy...
Judy Nothing, actually. I am bored and I think I need a Susan Hello. This is Susan Mordue. May I learn your
hobby. opening and closing times?
Jane That’s a good idea. I have lots of hobbies. Pharmacist Well... We open at 9 a.m. and close at 5:30 p.m.
Judy Really? What are they? What do you do for fun? Tell me on weekdays. But, we are closed on 4 July, the
about them. Independence Day.
Jane Well, I like jogging. I am interested in nature, I mean, Susan Thank you very much. Goodbye.
trees, sounds, birds, etc. I love them. I am also Pharmacist Have a nice day.
interested in taking photos. That’s amazing!
Judy Oh, I see! You are fond of nature and you prefer outdoor 2
activities. Waiter Nancy’s Restaurant.
Jane You are right, but I also have other hobbies like magnet Honda Hello. I’d like to book a table for four.
collecting. It is my favorite hobby. I am mad about Waiter Sure, for what day? And may I have your name
buying magnets for my fridge. It is hard to believe, but please?
I like knitting. I have lots of hand-knitted sweaters. Honda Honda, Honda Tommyez. I want it for 3 April.
Judy Oh, my God! How talented you are! As far as I know, Waiter And what time?
you also like jewelry making, do you? Honda At 10 p.m.
Jane Oh, no. Unfortunately, I’m not cut out for that. My thing Waiter Oh! I’m sorry we close at 9:30 p.m.
is pottery. Honda Oh, I should change my plans. I’ll call you later.
Judy Interesting, Jane. You have lots of hobbies. I think I Thanks.
should take up some hobbies, too. Waiter No problem. Goodbye!
Jane Definitely, you should. It’ll do you. I’ve got to go now.