Page 72 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 72

                                •  Making predictions about the future                             English  9
                                •  Asking for and giving opinion (agreement, disagreement, etc…)
                                •  Interrupting someone in a conversation                            Theme 10
                                •  Gaining time in a conversation
                                                                                        Television & Social Media
          4.  Study the phrases of interrupting below and write F (for formal) and I (for informal).

              F     1. Excuse me, may I add something to that?  F     7. You have a point here, sir.
              F     2. Are you finished yet?                   F     8. Hey, isn't it my turn to speak?
              F     3. Pardon me,…                             F     9. Can’t you be quiet for a moment?
              F     4. Wait a minute!                          F  10. Before you move on, I’d like to say…
              F     5. I’m sorry to interrupt, but…            F  11. Sorry, may I have a word here?
              F     6. May I add something here?               F  12. Hey, can I stop you there?

          5.  Work in pairs. Take it turns to pick a topic from the box and try to talk about it while your
              partner interrupts and tries to stop you from saying anything.

              Favorite Sport        Favorite Movie         Technology            Future Predictions
              TV Programs           Trends                 Health                Travel

          6.  Work in pairs. Read the phrases and categorize them.

               1.  Never in a million years!    6.  Personally speaking, I believe…   10.  I understand what you are
               2.  I think…                   7.  I’d be inclined to disagree.          saying, but I have a different
               3.  That’s for sure.         8.  I’d go along with that.            opinion.
               4.  What do you think about…?    9.  I am with you up to a point.   11.  How do you feel about that?
               5.  What do you reckon?                                      12.  As far as I’m concerned…

               Asking for opinion
                                       Giving opinion

          7.  Read the dialogs and fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box.
                    I couldn’t agree more.          I see it differently.      As far as I'm concerned,
                        Do you have any views on this?                What’s your opinion about

              Jason         (a) _________________________ social media will not cross into workplace.
              Mary          I’m not so sure about it. People are still careful about their social lives in the workplace.
              Sue           (b) _________________________ TV series?
              Adam          I think most of them are addictive.
              Jane          I believe that arriving late for meeting friends is rude.
           3  Helen         (c) _________________________ The reason behind is much more important.

              David         The Internet is a good way to find a job.
              William       (d) _________________________ I also found my job on the Net.
              Mehmet        To me, social media is a good way to communicate with people.
           5                (e) _________________________
              Samantha      Yes, I do, of course. Social media is useful to make friends.

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