Page 67 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 67

                                •  Making predictions about the future                     English  9   28
                                •  Asking for and giving opinion (agreement, disagreement, etc…)
                                •  Interrupting someone in a conversation                    Theme 10
                                •  Gaining time in a conversation
                                                                               Television & Social Media
          1.  Below are some questions about the future. Match them with predictions as answers.

              1.  Who will help us with the household chores?    F       a.  Everyone will live in skyscrapers.
              2.  How long will people live?            F       b.  Robots will teach students.
              3.  Where will people live?               F       c.  People will eat pills for meals.
              4.  What will education be like?          F       d.  No one. We will have our personal robots.
              5.  What will people eat?                 F       e.  People will live to be 150 years old.

          2.  Imagine that you are writing in your personal blog. Write your predictions about the
              following. Try to use the given phrases in the box.

                I think...    I guess...   I hope...

                  Personal robots                              Life on other planets
                  Living 150 years                                                                  Flying cars

                  Time machines        Pills for food

              E.g.   I hope personal robots will do most of the household chores for us.


          3.  Listen to the short dialogs and order the expression.  Tapescript 10.1.1

              F   So      F   Um     F   Uh

              F   Well    F   Oh     F   Er

          4.  Ask your partner his/her opinions on various everyday topics. In your answers, use the
              expression for gaining time.
                           Jack:                                                           Er…
                   What do you think about                                         I guess it’ll be tough for
                  the match on the weekend?                                             both teams.

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