Page 63 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 63

                                •  Asking for and giving suggestions
                                •  Doing shopping                                          English  9   27
                                •  Making requests
                                •  Talking about future plans                                 Theme 9
                                •  Making and answering phone calls
                                                                               Invitations & Celebrations
          1.  Study the conversations and circle the better option given in bold.

             1.  Molly      Can you take your feet off my chair?
                  Tom       I’d love to, but I can’t./Oh, sure. Sorry.

             2.  Mr. Wilson   Could you possibly show me the way to the intensive care unit?/ Would you mind lending
                            me some money?
                  Nurse     Certainly, this way, please.

             3.  Frank      Could you tell me the time?
                  William   No, thanks./Of course.

             4.  Laura      Would it be possible for you to fix my computer?/Will you hold my books for a minute?
                  Phil      Sure. What’s wrong with it?

             5.  Mrs. Taylor   I’d be very grateful if you could give me another spoon. This is dirty.
                  Waiter     I’m sorry, we have to wait./All right. Here you are.

          2.  Follow the instructions to create dialogs as in the example. You can use the expressions from
              the box.

           Do you mind if I… ?          Would it possible for you to… ?      Could you possibly… ?
           Could/Would I… ?             Would you mind… ?                   Would you be kind enough to… ?
           Can/Will… ?                  I’d be (very) grateful if… .        Do you think you could… ?

              E.g.    Ask your friend to take a photo of you.
                      A   Can you take a photo of me?
                      B   Yes, of course./I’m afraid I can’t. I’m busy.

              1.  Ask your colleague to take this form to the manager.                           Reply.

              2.  Ask your son/daughter to tidy his/her room.                                    Reply.

              3.  Request your teacher to speak louder.                                          Reply.

              4.  Ask your sister/brother to pass you the salt.                                  Reply.

              5.  Ask a man/a woman on the street to show you the way to the museum.             Reply.

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