Page 58 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 58

                                •  Asking for and giving advice                                    English  9
                                •  Giving and understanding simple instructions in case of emergency
                                •  Talking about something that has happened recently                 Theme 8
                                •  Expressing obligations and prohibitions
                                                                                   Emergency & Health Problems
          4.  Now, talk about the recent developments in your hometown/country/the world.
              E.g.   Scientists have developed the vaccine for Covid-19.

          5.  Read the text and answer the questions.
                                         STRANGE BUT THEY ARE THE RULES
               Do you believe that every rule in each country around the world is sensible? If your answer is “Yes”, you are
               mistaken! There are some strange rules in some countries and when you read this text, I’m sure you will be
               surprised very much. Let’s begin.

               In Denmark, you are not allowed to name your baby something weird.
               You must get approval from the government before deciding on the
               name. Can you believe that?

               In Greece, ladies, you have to be careful about your choice of shoes.
               You need to be careful while planning on sightseeing around the
               historic cities of Greece because high heels are not allowed at certain
               ancient monuments.

               Who doesn’t like chewing gums? Probably, most people like it. But if
               you are in Singapore, don’t chew gums because it is forbidden. Also;
               importing, selling or making gums are not allowed in Singapore.

               What about taking a selfie? You must say “No” if someone suggests
               you taking a selfie with Buddha in Sri Lanka. You can’t turn your back
               on him. Be careful while taking selfies!

              1. What is the rule about naming a baby in Denmark? ______________________________________________
              2. In Greece, what is not allowed? _____________________________________________________________
              3. In which country is there a rule about gums? ___________________________________________________
              4. Why is it forbidden to take a selfie with Buddha in Sri Lanka? _______________________________________

         6.  Work in pairs and try to guess which rule belongs to which country. Then, listen   Tapescript 8.3.2
             and check your answers. Two countries are extra.

               1. It is forbidden to feed pigeons                  a. in Victoria/Australia.
               2. You can’t wear a mask in public                  b. in Rome/Italy.
               3. It is not allowed to fly a kite                  c. in Germany.
               4. You are required to walk your dog daily          d. in Denmark.
               5. You mustn’t build a sandcastle                   e. in Venice/Italy.
                                                                   f.  in China.
                                                                   g. in Spain.

          1________________ 2________________ 3________________ 4________________ 5________________

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