Page 53 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 53

                                •  Asking for and giving advice                            English  9   22
                                •  Giving and understanding simple instructions in case of emergency
                                •  Talking about something that has happened recently         Theme 8
                                •  Expressing obligations and prohibitions
                                                                           Emergency & Health Problems
          1.  Match the pictures with the health problems.
             a. headache    b. runny nose   c. broken leg  d. stomachache    e. fever      f. earache

         1. ___________  2. ___________  3. ___________  4. ___________   5. ___________  6. ___________

          2.  Work in pairs. Ask for and give advice about the health problems in the pictures using the words
              and expressions in the box. Then, act out. If you have no idea, you can search on the Internet.

                                    Tom  What’s the matter?
               Health Problems
                                  1 Pam  I have _____ terrible _________. What should I do?
          a sore throat             Tom  You should __________ and shouldn’t _____________.

          a cut
                                                     Ed  Are you OK?
          the measles             2                  Sid  I’m afraid not. I have ___________. What should I do?
                                                     Ed  I think you should _______________________.
          a backache
                  Advices           TJ  What’s the problem?
                                  3 Bo  I have _____ on my finger and it’s bleeding. What should I do?
          go to school
                                    TJ  You should _______________________.
          rest in bed – lift heavy things
                                                     Sam  What’s wrong with you?
          press with a piece of cotton
                                  4                  Ted  I have ___________. What should I do?
          try honey and lemon mixture                Sam  Oh, you shouldn’t ___________, then.

          3.  Match the illustrations with the emergency instructions.
            a                       b                       c                       d

                                                       1.  In case of fire, get the fire extinguisher.
                                                       2.  In case of an earthquake, stay in a safe place.
                                                       3.  Break the glass and press the button in case of emergency.
                                                       4.  Stay away from tall buildings during an earthquake.
                                                       5.  Do not use the elevator during emergencies.

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