Page 57 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 57

                                •  Asking for and giving advice                            English  9   24
                                •  Giving and understanding simple instructions in case of emergency
                                •  Talking about something that has happened recently         Theme 8
                                •  Expressing obligations and prohibitions
                                                                           Emergency & Health Problems
          1.  Read the following situations and write some advice about them using the given expressions.
             Hello, my name is Paul. I work in an engineering company. It is two months since I moved to this city, but I don’t
             have any friends yet. I think it’s very hard to meet people. What do you advise me to do?
             I advise you to __________________________________________________.
             How about _____________________________________________________?
             I think it may be a good idea to ______________________________________.
             You had better not _______________________________________________.

              This is Dave. I don’t feel well now. I have stomach cramps and diarrhea. I had chicken for lunch at the restaurant next
              to our office. I think I have food poisoning. What should I do?
             You had better __________________________________________________.
             Why don’t you __________________________________________________?
             You ought to ___________________________________________________.
             You shouldn’t ___________________________________________________.

          2.  Listen to the emergency calls and write the dialog numbers of the emergency   Tapescript. 8.3.1

              Dialog  ____  The police service
              Dialog  ____  The ambulance service
              Dialog  ____  The fire brigade service
              Dialog  ____  The mountain rescue service

          3.  In pairs, study the news to learn about the recent developments in town. Then, write them
              down as in the example.

                The Town Daily           Debuke                           3
           1                             News                             The Debuke Times

             The Temperature Rises                                       The International Terminal Starts
                                                 Early Groups of Tourists   Operations for the New Season
                                                 Arrive in Town
             4  The Town Daily             5                            6

                                           The Debuke Times            Debuke
             Streets & Beaches Get Crowded                             News

                                         Start to
                                                                        Municipality Employs
                                         Appear on
                                                                        Additional Staff for the Season
                                         the Streets
              E.g.   1.  The temperature has risen.
                     2.  ___________________________________________________________
                     3.  ___________________________________________________________
                     4.  ___________________________________________________________
                     5.  ___________________________________________________________
                     6.  ___________________________________________________________

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