Page 52 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 52

FUNCTIONS                                                          English  9
                                •  Talking about past events
                                •  Making inquiries                                                   Theme 7
                                •  Asking and answering questions in an interview
                                                                                                 World Heritage
          3.  Imagine that you will hold a general knowledge quiz about Cristiano Ronaldo’s biography
              as part of a street interview. Take a quick look at the text below and make a list of questions.
              Then, walk around the class asking the questions to your classmates. Take notes of the
              answers. When you are finished, read the text again and discuss your answers.
                             MY QUESTIONS                            NOTES of ANSWERS
               ________________________________________ ________________________________________
               ________________________________________ ________________________________________
               ________________________________________ ________________________________________
               ________________________________________ ________________________________________

              Cristiano Ronaldo was born in Madeira, Portugal on February 5, 1985. He was named after American actor
              and President Ronald Reagan because his father was a fan of his. His father worked for a football club and
              his mother worked as a cook and cleaning person to help the family. Ronaldo grew up in a working-class
              neighborhood under difficult circumstances. As a child, he was interested in football because of his father, the
              equipment manager of a football club. He loved football so much that it was his main focus even when he
              was a child. By the age of ten, he became a famous child for his talent in football. His fame and talents were
              growing, but there was a serious problem. A very rare heart disease called tachycardia prevented him from
              playing professional football. He had to have a heart surgery, at the age of 15, and he did so. Nothing went
              wrong in and after the operation. He signed his first professional contract with Sporting Lisbon. It did not take
              the European football giants long to notice Ronaldo and he transferred to Manchester United of the UK. His
              great success took him to Real Madrid of Spain. With these clubs, he broke many records. Between 2008 and
              2017, he won the Ballon d’Or Award (world player of the year award) 5 times. Currently, he plays for Juventus
              of Italy and is inspiring millions all around the world.
         4.  Listen and take notes about Derinkuyu Underground City. (For the correct spelling   Tapescript 7.3.1
             of the proper nouns, ask your teacher for help after the listening.)

                       Origins                   Functions+Features                  Today

               Who?           When?            Why?        Special points  ____________________________
           _____________  _____________   _____________  _____________   ____________________________
           _____________  _____________   _____________  _____________   ____________________________
           _____________  _____________   _____________  _____________   ____________________________
           _____________  _____________   _____________  _____________   ____________________________
           _____________  _____________   _____________  _____________   ____________________________

          5.  Take a look at your notes and talk about
              Derinkuyu Underground City.

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