Page 47 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 47

FUNCTIONS                                                  English  9   19
                                •  Talking about past events
                                •  Making inquiries                                           Theme 7
                                •  Asking and answering questions in an interview
                                                                                         World Heritage
         1.  In pairs, study Ricardo’s social media posts. Then, discuss which sentences below are true.

           At Lisbon Airport with the family.  Nice flight, this is Dalaman Airport.  How nice! We are at the hotel.
           Can’t wait. Excited to see Turkey.  Fine, sunny weather. A bit tired.  It is great. Clean&comfortable. Kind,
                                                                           helpful staff.

           Great beach! No crowd. Nice swim.   Downtown Köyceğiz. Great lake view.   5 days like 5 minutes! Time flies.
           Warm, crystal clear sea water. This   Shopping for souvenirs. Handcrafts   Back at the airport for the return.
           is Sarıgerme! U should see it!  everywhere. Low prices.:)       Farewell time. Bye Turkey, hope to
                                                                           see you some day!

              F     1.  Ricardo and his family had their vacations in their country.
              F     2.  They liked the hotel.
              F     3.  The beach was crowded.
              F     4.  They felt dynamic after the flight.
              F     5.  They bought souvenirs for high prices.
              F     6.  The sea water was warm and very clean.
              F     7.  They were excited and impatient at the airport.
              F     8.  The vacation time was long for them.
              F     9.  The hotel staff were not helpful and kind.
              F   10.  They went downtown to do shopping.

         2.  Listen to the dialog and out of each pair, tick the phrases you hear.  Tapescript 7.1.1

             F   1.   Where were you?     F Where was she?
             F   2.   Did you like that?     F Did you like it?
             F   3.   Were you alone?     F Were you on your own?
             F   4.   How was the weather?   F What was the weather like?
             F   5.   Did you win?        F Did you swim?
             F   6.   Did you visit …?     F Did you see …?

         3.  Work in pairs. Take it turns to ask and answer
              about each other’s last travel/holiday/trip, etc.

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