Page 50 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 50

FUNCTIONS                                                          English  9
                                •  Talking about past events
                                •  Making inquiries                                                   Theme 7
                                •  Asking and answering questions in an interview
                                                                                                 World Heritage
          4.  Listen and fill in the missing parts of Peter’s story.  Tapescript 7.2.1

              1.  Peter __________________ a good night’s sleep.
              2.  He did not eat the dinner out. He __________________ at home.
              3.  He was healthy and energetic in the training __________________ .
              4.  He thinks he caught a cold while he __________________ home in the rain.
              5.  Peter did not have an umbrella with him because he __________________ lazy to go back to the gym to
                 get his umbrella.

          5.  Read the text and answer the questions.

              The Lighthouse of Alexandria was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient
              World. Alexander the Great founded the city of Alexandria as part of the
              Ptolemaic Kingdom, what is now Egypt. After the death of Alexander the
              Great, his son Ptolemy I Soter started the construction of the lighthouse to
              help guide ships into the port at night and it was complete during the reign
              of Ptolemy II Philadelphus in the 3  century BC.
              The lighthouse stood on a 30 by 30 m. square base. Its height was about
              115 m. and there was a tower at the top. It was made of blocks of limestone
              and granite. It was one of the tallest human-made structures for centuries.
              Although the lighthouse was one of the three longest lasting wonders of the
              ancient world, it couldn’t survive up to date. Many huge earthquakes hit and
              damaged the lighthouse. Each earthquake caused parts of it to disappear
              and by the 15  century AD, it was completely gone.
              Archaeologists still focus on the structure today. They know its exact location
              because the blocks of stones of the lighthouse are still under the sea water. There are various projects in memory
              of the lighthouse. It is still one of the most important items of the UNESCO World Heritage List.

              1.  Why is the Lighthouse of Alexandria important?
              2.  Who built the Lighthouse of Alexandria?
              3.  Why did they build the lighthouse?
              4.  Why did the lighthouse disappear?
              5.  What do we have left from the lighthouse today?

          6.  What else would you like to know about the Lighthouse of Alexandria? Make a list of your
              questions and search for the answers in groups. Then, share them with your classmates.

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