Page 46 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 46

                                •  Asking about and describing cities                              English  9
                                •  Identifying cultural differences
                                •  Talking about travel and tourism                                   Theme 6
                                •  Ordering food
                                                                                               Bridging Cultures
          3.  Listen to the dialog and fill in the missing parts. Tapescript 6.3.1

             a.  Jason wants to buy a ticket to ____________________________.
             b.  The services on Wednesday and ____________________________ have a stopover in Phuket.
             c.  Jason wants to travel ____________________________ class.
             d.  The departure is at ____________________________ and the arrival in Singapore is at 13:05.
             e.  The price of the ticket is ____________________________.
             f.  Jason would like a/an ____________________________ seat.
             g.  Jason will pay for the ticket ____________________________.

          4.  Read the text and answer the questions.

              Every country has its own culture. Some attitudes or behavioral patterns may be acceptable in one culture while
              they may be impolite or funny in another. For instance, the British don’t like having physical contact with strangers
              or sometimes even with their friends. If you want to attract their attention, tapping on the shoulder is not a good
              idea. Instead, you should cough or say “Excuse me!”. When they meet others for the first time, they just shake
              hands and move away whereas Spanish and Egyptian people would keep closer in the same case.
              In the US and European countries, slurping is a rude behavior, but in Japan, it’s not. It is a sign of thankfulness to
              the chef and the host to slurp your meal. However, you shouldn’t blow your nose loudly in Japan. If you need to
              do so, do it with your back to the people around you and quietly. To sum up, it is necessary to know about other
              cultural practices and respect them for a better communication.

             1.  What is the best way to attract the attention of the British?
             2.  How do the British behave when they meet someone for the first time?
             3.  How do the Japanese see slurping?
             4.  What should you do if you need to blow your nose in public in Japan?

          5.  Discuss the main idea of the text.

          6.  Listen to the dialog and take notes in the following table. Tapescript 6.3.2

                               Kate’s Order                              Form of Payment
              Starter:   ___________________________________  ___________________________________

              Main Course: ______________________________     ___________________________________
              Dessert: __________________________________     ___________________________________

          7.  Work in pairs to create a customer-waiter/waitress dialog. Include questions and answers
              about starters, main courses and desserts and forms of payment. Then, act it out.

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