Page 41 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 41

                                •  Asking about and describing cities                      English  9   16
                                •  Identifying cultural differences
                                •  Talking about travel and tourism                           Theme 6
                                •  Ordering food
                                                                                       Bridging Cultures
          1.  Read the paragraph and complete the table below.

               Tina Hayes is a student at Cambridge University. She wants to visit her parents in New York on the semester
               vacation. She has a ticket to New York. Her flight is at 10 p.m. on the 12  of January. The arrival time in New
               York is 6 a.m. The airline company is Fly Airlines. The 2  semester begins on the 28  of January. She wants to
               spend all her vacation with her family.
                                               Tina’s Flight Schedule

           1.  Airline company
           2.  Type of ticket (single/return)
           3.  The flight date
           4.  Destination

          2.  Fill in the blanks with a suitable word.

                economy             aisle            departure           single            window

            1.  I like looking down from the sky, so I take the ______________________ seat for my flights.
            2.  I want to buy a/an ______________________ ticket because I won’t come back.
            3.  We have to be at the airport an hour before the ______________________ time on the ticket.
            4.  I usually buy ______________________ class ticket because they are cheaper.
            5.  I feel sick when I look out during the flight, so I prefer the ______________________ seat.

          3.  Complete the dialog with the expressions given.

              •  How would you like to pay            •    8  of October
              •  How much does it cost                •  I want to make a flight reservation
           Agent   Welcome to Fly Airlines Office. How can I help you?
           Customer  Hi, (1) _______________________________ to New York.
           Agent   OK, when are you going to travel?
           Customer  (2) _______________________________.
           Agent   Let’s check the availability. Sorry to keep you waiting...
           Customer  No problem.
           Agent   There is only one flight that day. It’s at 10 p.m.
           Customer  That suits me. (3) _______________________________?
           Agent   $120.
           Customer  That’s fine.
           Agent   (4) _______________________________?
           Customer  In cash. Here you are.
           Agent   Thank you. Have a nice flight.

         4.  Listen and circle the correct option. Tapescript 6.1.1

              1.  Taj Mahal stands as a symbol of respect/love.
              2.  Taj Mahal is located in Agra/Gara.
              3.  Shah Cihan wanted to build a monument for his mother/wife.
              4.  The construction lasted for twenty/twelve years.
              5.  Hundreds/Thousands of people visit Taj Mahal every year.

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