Page 36 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 36

                                •  Asking about and describing people’s appearances and characters   English  9
                                •  Comparing characteristics and appearances
                                •  Expressing opinions (Agreeing, disagreeing, etc…)                  Theme 5
                                •  Talking about current activities
                                                                                             Inspirational People
          4.  Read the texts and fill in the blanks with comparative forms of the adjectives given. Two
              adjectives are extra.

                                                                    I like school, but I’m not good at
               I like going to school and                      some subjects. I feel lazy to do homework and
            studying. That’s why I have good               prefer playing online games after school to doing sports.
         marks, but I’m not good at writing at all.    This is terrible, but I’m trying to change. I don’t chat with people a
       Basketball is my thing! I can play it every day. I   lot. I’m a little bit introverted. At weekends, I stay home. I don’t help
       love my friends and chatting with them. I think   my parents with shopping because I don’t like being in crowds.
       they also like me because I make them laugh.       Instead, I prefer online shopping. I love buying presents for
          At weekends, I usually  help my parents             my beloved ones. I also like writing stories and
                      all day.                                      creating new characters in them.

                        Oliver                                                Tim

                sensitive     sportive     helpful     cheerful      good         shy       hardworking
             1.  Tim feels lazy to do homework. Oliver is ______________________ than Tim.
             2.  Oliver plays basketball, but Tim prefers playing online games. Oliver is ______________________ than Tim.
             3.  Oliver is not good at writing, but Tim is. Tim is a ______________________ story writer than Oliver.
             4.  Oliver likes chatting with his friends and makes them laugh. He is ______________________ than Tim.
             5.  Oliver helps his parents all day at weekends. He is ______________________ to his parents at weekends.

          5.  Put the expressions into the correct category.
              a.  I think vice versa               Expressing Agreement        Expressing Disagreement
              b.  I totally disagree
              c.  I agree to an extent        ___________________________  ___________________________
              d.  I’m afraid I don’t think the same  ___________________________  ___________________________
              e.  That’s great                ___________________________  ___________________________
              f.  I don’t think so            ___________________________  ___________________________
              g.  That’s for sure             ___________________________  ___________________________
              h.  That’s true
          6.  Read the sentences and write the names.

                 ________                                ________    1.  Amy is holding the balloons.
                                        ________                     2.  Emily and Leo are chatting.
                                                                     3.  Ryan and Miles are looking for a football
            ________                                                 4.  Adam is jogging.
                          ________                                   5.  June is wearing green shoes.
                                             ________                6.  Asher is sitting on a bench and listening
                                                                        to music.

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