Page 32 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 32

FUNCTIONS                                                          English  9
                                •  Describing daily routines
                                •  Talking about abilities                                            Theme 4
                                •  Talking about frequencies of activities
                                                                                               Human in Nature
          3.  Read the text and complete the sentences.

              Animals can do many amazing and unusual things. For example, birds, not penguins and ostriches, can fly. Bats
              can’t see, but they can fly at nights. Penguins and polar bears can live in extremely cold regions. This is a miracle.
              Some animals are famous for their speeds. An ostrich can run at about 60 kph, a horse at about 80 kph and a
              cheetah at about 120 kph while Olympic runners can run at about 45 kilometers.

              Humans cannot hear every sound, but dogs and cats can hear the sounds that we cannot hear. Ocean animals are
              also amazing. Sharks and whales can hear the sounds that are far away from them. Dolphins can communicate
              with each other from hundreds of meters away. They can also help missing divers or fishermen to reach the land.

              Lions, tigers and cheetahs can jump about 6 meters high to catch their preys. Squirrels have hard and strong teeth,
              so they can eat hard seeds.
              Animals are unbelievable, aren’t they?

              1.  Bats can __________________, but they can’t __________________ .
              2.  Penguins are birds, but they can’t __________________ . They can _______________________ .
              3.  An ostrich can __________________ faster than Olympic runners. However, it cannot __________________ .
              4.  Humans cannot __________________ that dogs and cats can.
              5.  Dolphins can __________________________ to reach the land.
              6.  Squirrels can __________________ because they have hard and strong teeth.
              7.  Cheetahs can __________________ at about 120 kph and they can __________________ 6 meters high.

          4.  Listen to the text about Sandra Andrews and find out what the audio is about. Tapescript 4.2.1

              a.  Sandra’s favorite free time activities
              b.  Sandra’s family
              c.  Sandra’s routines

          5.  Listen to the text again and fill in the blanks.

             1.  Sandra works _____________________ a week.
             2.  Sandra _____________________ gets up at 6.30 on weekdays.
             3.  Sandra eats out with her friends __________________ a week , usually on ___________________ evenings.
             4.  On Sundays, Sandra does the weekly shopping in the _____________________ .
             5.  Sandra loves reading with her coffee next to her when _____________________ .

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