Page 29 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 29

FUNCTIONS                                                  English  9   10
                                •  Describing daily routines
                                •  Talking about abilities                                    Theme 4
                                •  Talking about frequencies of activities
                                                                                       Human in Nature
          1.  What time of the day do you do the following? List in the chart. More than one option is

                                                             early morning/morning
                 do homework          get dressed
                   watch TV           brush teeth                                               noon/afternoon

                   read books     leave home for school

                 take a shower  have a chat with the family
                   have lunch        get back home

                   do revision        take the bus

                  have dinner       check social media
                 attend classes        accounts


          2.  Choose three daily routine activities for each part of the day from the chart in Part 1 and
              briefly write your daily routine.

             Early morning/Morning routine
             E.g.   I get dressed for school before breakfast.

             Noon/Afternoon routine
             E.g.   I have lunch at the school canteen.

             Evening/Night routine
             E.g.   I do revision before the dinner.

          3.  Listen to the text about dogs and put a tick in the correct boxes. Tapescript 4.1.1

                                        The Kangal            The Dalmatian       The German Shepherd
          can reach huge sizes
          can live in cold regions
          can protect other animals
          can hunt
          can run fast
          can be perfect family pets

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