Page 26 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 26

                                •  Talking about likes/dislikes, hobbies and free time activities
                                •  Expressing opinions                                             English  9
                                •  Making preferences
                                •  Asking about and telling the time and the date                     Theme 3
                                •  Inviting and refusing/accepting an invitation
          3.  Work in pairs. Study the text and list the expressions of giving opinions below.

                    I’m of the opinion that online courses have many advantages. First of all, your classes and instructors are
                    available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can only miss a class if you can’t get online. You can get
           Thomas   notices about courses, take notes, have quizzes, chat with your classmates, study at any time and with any
                    participant. If you ask me, online courses also make you feel responsible for studying because there is nobody
                    to motivate you in front of the computer. Briefly, your success depends on your self-motivation.

                    Online courses can never be as effective as face-to-face education. It seems to me that you will spend more
                    time on studying and completing assignments in the online environment than you will in the traditional class.
           Ruth     Maybe, you can learn more in the online environment, but you will have to make a greater effort to achieve
                    that learning. Online courses give you more freedom, but it can be dangerous if you can’t handle it. What I
                    believe is that we should let students find their own ways to learning so that they can take responsibility and
                    reach their goals in the end.

                   I’m of the opinion that…

          4.  Now, use the phrases from your list in Part 3 and express your opinions on the following.
              E.g.   I’m of the opinion that online education is more comfortable than face-to-face education.

              •  online education/face-to-face education
              •  living in the city/living in the country
              •  shopping online/shopping in a store
              •  having a university education in your country/having a university education abroad
              •  having a pet dog/having a pet cat

           5.  Listen to the students talking about their preferences and fill in the blanks. Tapescript. 3.3.1

              1. Mike prefers ________________clothes.                          4. Ted would prefer _________________.
              2. Mike would rather listen to ________________.                 5. Sarah’s choice is listening to _________________.
              3. Ted’s choice is________________ clothes.           6. Sarah would sooner wear_______________.

          6.  What would your preferences be for the following? Write sentences using “I prefer, I’d rather,
              I’d prefer, I’d sooner, My choice is...”

               music          movies          hobbies      TV programs        food          clothes

              E.g.   I’d rather listen to classical music before going to bed. I prefer watching sci-fi to romantic movies.

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