Page 22 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 22

                                •  Talking about likes/dislikes, hobbies and free time activities
                                •  Expressing opinions                                             English  9
                                •  Making preferences
                                •  Asking about and telling the time and the date                     Theme 3
                                •  Inviting and refusing/accepting an invitation
          4.  Write your opinions on one of the free time activities using the expressions below. Also,
              remember to give reasons.

              1.  playing a musical instrument
              2.  cooking
              3.  surfing the Internet                                            ______________________________________________________
              4.  reading                                                                                             ______________________________________________________
              5.  taking photos                                                                                                        ______________________________________________________
              6.  doing sports                                                                                                             ______________________________________________________
              7.  your choice
              I suppose                   ______________________________________________________
              I reckon                    ______________________________________________________
              Personally, I think
              I believe                   ______________________________________________________
              Your choice                 ______________________________________________________

          5.    Read the dialog and circle the correct options given in bold.

             James   I need a change in my life. I do the same things every day.
             Kevin   Do you want to do something different next weekend?
             James   Sure. What do you have in your mind?
             Kevin   I prefer go out/going out when I’m bored. Shall we see the exhibition at the art gallery on Saturday?
             James   That would be great, but I’d rather stay/staying at home because my favorite team’s match is on
                     Saturday afternoon.
             Kevin   OK, we can watch it together then.
             James   Great. I prefer watch/watching matches with friends to watch/watching alone. After the match,
                     we can go out for dinner. I’d rather eat out/eating out than cook/cooking at home on weekends.
             Kevin   Good idea! How about going to the cinema after dinner?
             James   OK, but my choice is watch/watching thrillers. Is it OK for you?
             Kevin   Yes, sure. It seems that we’ll have a wonderful weekend together.

           6.    Answer the questions. In your answers, use the given phrases as in the example.

                   get a taxi           eat at home           go for a swim            movies

                           listen to music            stand                wait some time

           E.g.    Shall we walk home?          E.g.    I’d rather get a taxi than walk.
           1.  Do you want to eat right now?    1.   I’d rather________________________________________
           2.  Would you like to watch TV?      2.   I prefer    ________________________________________
           3.  What about playing tennis?       3.   I’d rather ________________________________________
           4.  Do you want to eat out?          4.   I prefer    ________________________________________
           5.  Would you like to have a seat?   5.   I’d rather ________________________________________
           6.  Do you like watching TV series?  6.   I prefer    ________________________________________

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