Page 27 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 27

                                •  Talking about likes/dislikes, hobbies and free time activities
                                •  Expressing opinions                                     English  9     9
                                •  Making preferences
                                •  Asking about and telling the time and the date             Theme 3
                                •  Inviting and refusing/accepting an invitation
          1.  Listen and fill in the missing parts. Tapescript 3.3.2

               High Street Pharmacy opens at _______________ a.m. and closes at _______________ p.m. on weekdays.
               But it is closed on _______________ because it is the Independence Day.

               Honda calls Nancy's Restaurant to book a table for four people. He wants the table for _______________
               and at _______________ p.m. But the head waiter cannot book the table because the restaurant closes at
               ______________ p.m. Then, Honda thinks he should change his plans.

          2.  Study the dialog and the poster below. Then, in pairs, ask and answer about the date, and
              times of the events given. Act your dialogs out for your friends.

               Erin    Mike, when is the webinar?
                                                                               W E B I N A R
               Mike    It is on 11  February.                                  W E B I N A R
               Erin    What time does it start?                                Fundamentals
               Mike    Well, it starts at 5 p.m.                               PROGRAMMING
               Erin    What time does it finish?
               Mike    It finishes at 7 p.m.
               Erin    Thank you. I will join that one.     Jessica Prankster  11 February, 2020
               Mike    See you then.                             IT Teacher     from 5 to 7 p.m.

                    SCHOOL PICNIC
                       Don't miss the fun!

                5  May 2020
                From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

                     Auditions for the
                   End of the Year Play

                        At Rose Hall Room 212

                        Break A Leg!

                   23  March 2020 / 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.

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