Page 28 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 28

                                •  Talking about likes/dislikes, hobbies and free time activities
                                •  Expressing opinions                                             English  9
                                •  Making preferences
                                •  Asking about and telling the time and the date                     Theme 3
                                •  Inviting and refusing/accepting an invitation
          3.  Study the dialogs in pairs and find out the expressions of inviting, accepting and refusing.
              Then, place them in the list.

               Tommy  Do you fancy going to Susan's birthday party tonight?  Tommy  I feel like eating pizza. I
               Andrew  Sure. I’d like to.                                   wonder if you can join
               Tommy  OK, great.                                            me.
               Andrew  What time is the party?                      Andrew  I'd better not.
               Tommy  At 8 o'clock. I can pick you up at 7.30.      Tommy  Come on!
               Andrew  That's fine with me. What about the present?  Andrew  You know I'm on a diet.
               Tommy  No worries. I’ll take care of it.                     But thanks for inviting me.
               Andrew  Okay, then. Bye for now.                     Tommy  Okay.

               Andrew  Judy, do you have a plan for tonight?
               Judy    Not really. Why?
               Andrew  I want to go to a movie. I wonder if you want to come with me.
               Judy    What genre is it?
               Andrew  It's a thriller.
               Judy    No, thanks. I’m not in the mood for a thriller.
               Andrew  How about going to the new mall together?
               Judy    Sounds good.
               Andrew  Great. What time shall we meet?
               Judy    I'll pick you up at 7.
               Andrew  Okay. See you then.

                 Expressions of Inviting       Expressions of Accepting       Expressions of Refusing

          4.  Follow the instructions to create a dialog. Try to use expressions from the list in Part 3.

                 Ask about your partner’s plans for tomorrow.

                                                               Ask why.
                 Invite him/her for an event/activity.

                                                               Ask about the time.

                 Tell the time.
                                                               Refuse. Give reason.

                 Invite for another activity at a suitable time.

                 Thank him/her.

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