Page 30 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 30

FUNCTIONS                                                          English  9
                                •  Describing daily routines
                                •  Talking about abilities                                            Theme 4
                                •  Talking about frequencies of activities
                                                                                               Human in Nature
          4.  What kind of a dog do you prefer? Write a paragraph about your favorite dog’s appearance
              and abilities. Use the words or phrases below and your own expressions.

                   APPEARANCE                                        ABILITY

                      huge                       run fast              fast               strong
                   medium-sized                  protect               lazy             aggressive
                      small                       hunt            be a family pet       child-friendly

             E.g.   My favorite dog is thin and small in size. It can be a family pet. It is child-friendly.

          5.  Listen to the dialogs and tick the frequency expressions you hear. Tapescript 4.1.2

                                       F   1. occasionally  F     6.  rarely
                                       F   2. always    F     7.  once a week
                                       F   3. never     F     8.  seldom
                                       F   4. usually   F     9.  often
                                       F   5. twice a day  F   10.  sometimes

          6.  How often do you do the following? Take notes as in the example and tell your friends about
              the frequencies of your actions.
               brush teeth           do shopping           take a shower            go to bed early

               surf the net           get up late          go to the gym     help parents with the housework

                E.g.   I never go to the gym.

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