Page 31 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 31

FUNCTIONS                                                  English  9   11
                                •  Describing daily routines
                                •  Talking about abilities                                    Theme 4
                                •  Talking about frequencies of activities
                                                                                       Human in Nature
          1.  Look at the daily routines of Conrad Iverson and fill in the table on the right.

                       Conrad Iverson’s daily routine              What do you do at these times?

                8.00   gets up                             8.00

                8.30   goes for a run                      8.30

                 9.30   has a shower                        9.30
                10.00   has breakfast                     10.00

                11.00   walks his dog                     11.00
                12.00   has lunch                         12.00

                13.00  does a light workout               13.00
                14.00  takes a nap                        14.00

                15.00  has light snacks                   15.00

                15.30  runs errands                       15.30
                17.30  practices with the team            17.30

                19.30  has dinner                         19.30

                20.00  has a chat with the family         20.00
                21.00  watches TV                         21.00

                21.30  listens to music to relax his mind  21.30
                22.00  checks social media accounts       22.00

                22.30  reads books                        22.30
                23.00  goes to bed                        23.00

          2.  Compare your daily routine with that of Conrad Iverson in Part 1 and tell the similarities or
              differences to your friends as in the example.

                                                                                     At 9 p.m., Conrad
                                                                                  watches TV. At that time, I
                                                                                      watch TV, too.

                  Conrad gets up at 8:00,
             but I don’t get up at 8 o’clock. I get
            up at 7:00. At 11:00, he walks his dog,
             but at that time, I attend classes at

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