Page 34 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 34

FUNCTIONS                                                          English  9
                                •  Describing daily routines
                                •  Talking about abilities                                            Theme 4
                                •  Talking about frequencies of activities
                                                                                               Human in Nature
          4.  Walk around the class and ask questions to find out who can do the following. Take notes and
              share them with your friends.
              dive deep   catch fish    swim fast      run fast   walk barefoot in nature  grow vegetables

              E.g.   Ali and Mert can dive deep. Cansu, Neşe and Kemal can catch fish.

          5.  Read the text and answer the questions.
              Jane Goodall, 87, is a world-famous primatologist, environmentalist and animal-rights activist. She is also the
              subject of the new documentary, Jane. It is about her early days in Tanzania.
              Jane used to get up at 5:30 a.m. when she studied the chimpanzee, to follow them all day. Now, she sometimes
              gets up very early only if she has to catch a plane or prepare for a lecture. She always starts working at about 6:30
              a.m. by checking emails. For breakfast, she usually has a toast and a cup of coffee.
              Jane grew up in a house in Bournemouth, England and her sister still lives there. So, Jane stays there with her
              sister between tours. She spends the evening with her sister and her family, and she takes the dog for a walk. She
              has no time for hobbies as she is always away from home.
              Jane rarely feels stressed. She advises people to stay calm so that they can deal with problems more easily.
              She never uses a cell phone because she doesn’t want people catch her all day. Instead, she prefers answering
              people’s questions via emails, sometimes even on the plane. She believes that when she gives lectures, people
              listen, and it changes attitudes. “If we don’t stop using plastic, go onto green energy and stop mining in the
              Amazon and on the Antarctic, there will not be much left for the future. We’ve got to have a change in attitude
              rather fast. That’s why I travel.”, says Jane Goodall.
              1.  What is the documentary “Jane” about? _______________________________________________________
              2.  What time does Jane start working? __________________________________________________________
              3.  Where does she stay between tours? __________________________________________________________
              4.  What does Jane advise people to do when they are stressed? Why? __________________________________
              5.  How often does she use a cell phone? Why? ____________________________________________________
              6.  What does Jane tell people to do to protect the environment? _______________________________________
          6.  How eco-friendly is your friend? Ask questions to your partner, fill in the chart and find out
              the score.
             E.g.    How often do you sort out glass, paper and plastic?   I usually sort out glass, paper and plastic.

                                    always    usually  sometimes hardly ever  never        Scoring
                                    10 pts     8 pts     5 pts     2 pts     0 pts
          1. sort out glass, paper,                                                   40-50 pts  PERFECT
          plastic bottles and cans
          2. switch off the lights when                                               30-39 pts  GOOD
          leaving the room
          3. turn off the tap while                                                   20-29 pts  AVERAGE
          brushing teeth
          4. recycle light bulbs and                                                  10-19 pts  POOR
          used batteries
          5. use public transport or a                                                 0-9 pts  TERRIBLE
          bike or walk when possible

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