Page 37 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 37

                                •  Asking about and describing people’s appearances and characters   English  9  14
                                •  Comparing characteristics and appearances
                                •  Expressing opinions (Agreeing, disagreeing, etc…)          Theme 5
                                •  Talking about current activities
                                                                                     Inspirational People
          1.  Who are they talking about? Listen and write the dialog numbers. Tapescript 5.2.1

                     F  a                    F  b                   F  c                    F  d

          2.  Make notes about your inspirational person’s physical appearance and character traits in the
              chart. Then, tell your friends about him/her.

                                                 Physical Appearance

                                                  Character Traits

          3.  Read the text and make sentences comparing the two brothers, Sam and James as in the
              example. Use the adjectives given.

              Although Sam and James are brothers and they look like each other, they have different characters. In appearance,
              they both have dark brown hair and are slim. In character, Sam is sociable, he finds it easy to make new friends. James
              prefers being on his own to making new friends. Sam is cheerful and often smiles. He thinks good things will happen.
              But James often believes bad things will happen, so life is a bit harder for him. James is always ready to help other
              people. Sam is kind, too, but he mostly cares about his own needs, not others’. Sam spends his free time doing things
              like sports, traveling, acting, etc. while James spends most of his time studying and doing revision. However, the two
              brothers get on very well.

              E.g.    Outgoing      Sam is more outgoing than James.

             1.   Introverted   __________________________________________
             2.   Optimistic   __________________________________________
             3.   Pessimistic   __________________________________________
             4.   Helpful    __________________________________________
             5.   Selfish    __________________________________________
             6.   Active     __________________________________________
             7.   Hardworking  __________________________________________

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