Page 17 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 17

                                •  Talking about likes/dislikes, hobbies and free time activities
                                •  Expressing opinions                                     English  9     7
                                •  Making preferences
                                •  Asking about and telling the time and the date             Theme 3
                                •  Inviting and refusing/accepting an invitation
          1.  Match the free time activities with the pictures. Two of the activities are extra.

           a. attending concerts  b. pottery     c. cycling        d. gardening     e. swimming
           f. camping         g. going to the movies h. knitting   i. jogging       j. cooking and baking

         1 ___________________    2 ___________________   3 ___________________    4 ___________________

         5 ___________________    6 ___________________   7 ___________________    8 ___________________

          2.  Walk around asking the following questions to your friends. Fill in the answers sheet with
              your friends’ names and share your answers with your classmates.

                     QUESTIONS                                        ANSWERS
          1. Whose favorite free time activity is   1. ______________________’s favorite free time activity is magnet
              magnet collecting?                 collecting.
          2. Who likes watching cookery programs?  2. ______________________ likes/like watching cookery programs.
          3. Who dislikes doing origami?     3. ______________________ dislikes/dislike doing origami.

          4. Who likes gardening?            4. ______________________ likes/like gardening.
          5. Who often goes to the movies?   5. ______________________ goes/go to the movies.

          3.  Listen to the dialog and tick the expressions you hear. Tapescript 3.1.1

             F   a. I believe           F   e. Personally, I think
             F   b. In my opinion       F   f. I guess
             F   c. If you ask me       F   g. I think
             F   d. I suppose           F   h. I’m sure

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