Page 43 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 43

                                •  Asking about and describing cities                      English  9   17
                                •  Identifying cultural differences
                                •  Talking about travel and tourism                           Theme 6
                                •  Ordering food
                                                                                       Bridging Cultures
          1.  Listen and answer the questions. Tapescript 6.2.1

              1.  What is the title of the broadcast?
                     a. City Life                 b. Travel and Explore       c. European Cities
             2.  What  kind of digital broadcast is it?
                     a. Vlog                     b. Podcast                   c. Live Streaming

              3.  Which one is Damien’s city?

                         a                               b                              c

          2.  Listen again and fill in the chart about Brussels.

          Best time to visit
          Best thing to eat

          3.  Read and complete the sentences about treating guests.

             1.   Turkey - Warm hospitality:
                 Turkish hospitality is awesome. People often welcome you to their homes and share a delicious Turkish meal with
                 you. They always offer you Turkish coffee after meal. Tea also has another great place in the cultural life. As the
                 favorite dessert, baklava is at the top.

             2.  China - Noddle slurping:
                 Chinese people eat noodles almost every day. Naturally, they traditionally offer you noodles when you visit them.
                 It is a tradition to slurp noodles, so don’t worry or feel disgusted when you hear sound of slurping. For such a
                 polite Asian culture, this seems out of place and rude. The slurping makes the food more enjoyable.

             3.   Ukraine - Healthy soup:
                 The famous Borsch soup actually comes from the Ukrainian cuisine. The traditional homemade version really
                 rocks. Ukrainian people cook it very often, and you may probably try it when you visit them at their homes. It is
                 really healthy and tasty because of the rich ingredients.

             1.  Turkish people always offer their guests  ___________________________________________________ .
             2.  Chinese people slurp noodles because  ____________________________________________________ .
             3.  Ukrainian people cook Borsch soup _______________________________________________________ .

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