Page 54 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 54

                                •  Asking for and giving advice                                    English  9
                                •  Giving and understanding simple instructions in case of emergency
                                •  Talking about something that has happened recently                 Theme 8
                                •  Expressing obligations and prohibitions
                                                                                   Emergency & Health Problems
         4.  Write the sentences below the correct pictures.
            His car has broken down.  She has just made tea.  It has just rained.  He has broken his arm.

        1 _____________________ 2 _____________________  3 _____________________ 4 _____________________

         5.  Use the following verbs to create meaningful dialogs. Two verbs are extra.
                      passed      broken         lost        failed       won         begun

           John   Hi Jack, why do you look upset?         Peter   You look happy.
         1  Jack   I have ___________________ the math exam.  Mike   Yes. My team has ___________________ the   3
           John   Don’t worry, bro. I hope you’ll pass it next time.  match.

           Ted    What’s wrong with Ed? Why is he absent?  Teacher  You are late again, Mary! The class has
         2  Tim   He has ___________________ his leg             already___________________ .          4
                  and he is at hospital now.              Mary   Sorry, ma‘am.

          6.  Match the statements with the pictures. Two are extra.

           a. Riders have to wear a helmet.              e. You have to stop at the red light.
           b. You must finish your homework before dinner.  f. Students have to wait for the bell for the break.
           c. Customers have to wear masks inside the supermarket.  g. Students have to wear uniforms at school.
           d. You must put away your toys.               h. Drivers mustn’t use mobile phones while driving.

         1. ___________  2. ___________  3. ___________  4. ___________   5. ___________  6. ___________

          7.  Listen and tick the statements you hear.  Tapescript 8.1.1

             ___  1. Customers must check out by 10 a.m.
             ___  2. Customers have to leave their keys before going out.
             ___  3. Staff members don’t have to take care of customers’ children.
             ___  4. Staff members have to wear uniforms.
             ___  5. Customers must book a table to eat at the à la carte restaurant.
             ___  6. Customers must finish their breakfast by 10:30.

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