Page 56 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 56

                                •  Asking for and giving advice                                    English  9
                                •  Giving and understanding simple instructions in case of emergency
                                •  Talking about something that has happened recently                 Theme 8
                                •  Expressing obligations and prohibitions
                                                                                   Emergency & Health Problems
          4.  Imagine that you are talking about each other’s recent actions with your friends during the
              pandemic. Ask and answer questions using the phrases in the table.
                             DO THE FOLLOWING TO STAY STRONG AGAINST COVID-19!
             get enough vitamin C     take enough sleep     drink plenty of water   do relaxing things
             wash your hands often      avoid crowds           take exercises          use sanitizer

              E.g.    - Have you gotten enough vitamin C recently?          - Yes, I’ve had a lot of orange juice. / No, I haven’t.

         5.  Listen to the dialogs and fill in the missing parts. Tapescript. 8.2.1

            1 The doctor _______________________ Mark.     4 Kenny _______________________ his project.
            2 Lisa _______________________ breakfast.      5 Michelle and Tim ____________________married.
            3 Mike’s father _______________________ his pills.  6 Linda _______________________ home.

         6.  Match the obligations and prohibitions with places.
                            Obligations and Prohibitions                         Places
               F   1  You must show your passport.               a  at the zoo
               F   2  You are not allowed to feed the animals.  b   at school
               F   3  You must be quiet.                         c  at the park
               F   4  You must wear a uniform.                  d   in the library
               F   5  You mustn’t step on the grass.             e  at the airport

          7.  What are the prohibitions and obligations in your daily life? Walk around asking the questions
              and write names. Then, share your answers with your friends.
              E.g.                 Find someone who                       Name

                              is allowed to watch TV every day.            Jane

                                   Find someone who                       Name
                   1.  must feed the pet(s) at home.                  _____________
                   2.  is not allowed to go out after dinner.         _____________
                   3.  doesn’t have to share his/her room with someone.  _____________
                   4.  has to help with the household chores.         _____________

                   5.  must go to bed early every day.                _____________
                   6.  has to be home at a certain time.              _____________
                   7.  is allowed to hang around with friends after school.  _____________
                   8.  You choose ___________________________________  _____________
                   9.  You choose ___________________________________  _____________

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