Page 62 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 62

                                •  Asking for and giving suggestions
                                •  Doing shopping                                                  English  9
                                •  Making requests
                                •  Talking about future plans                                         Theme 9
                                •  Making and answering phone calls
                                                                                        Invitations & Celebrations
          5.  Study the shopping phrases below. Whose phrases are they? Write C for customer’s and A
              for the assistant’s.
              ____ 1. Do you have this in smaller size?     ____   6. Will you pay in cash or by credit card?
              ____ 2. Would you like anything else?         ____   7. How much does it cost?
              ____ 3. Do you accept credit cards?           ____   8. Can I pay in monthly instalments?
              ____ 4. I want to buy a hair dryer.           ____   9. This brand is on sale.
              ____ 5. May I help you?                       ____ 10. How does it fit?

          6.  Work in pairs. Write a shopping dialog using the sentences above and your own sentences
              and act it out.

          7.  Work in pairs. Read the dialog and find out the expressions related to asking for and giving
                                                                             Asking for suggestions
           Mary   Oh, Jane, it is great today. I want to go out, but I can’t decide    _________________________________
                  where to go. Do you have any ideas?                _________________________________
           Jane   Oh, no. Let me think! Why don’t we have a picnic?  _________________________________
           Mary   That sounds great.  Where should we go?            _________________________________
           Jane   What about the lakeside in Ula? I love it, you know.  _________________________________
           Mary   OK, we should decide on the food. I suggest taking sandwiches.
           Jane   Hmm! Can’t we do anything else? We could get cookies and    Giving suggestions
                  drinks.                                            _________________________________
           Mary   Yes, sure. We will need some plates, glasses, etc.   _________________________________
           Jane   You’re right. I will get them.                     _________________________________
           Mary   I’ve got a large basket. We can put everything in it.   _________________________________
           Jane   Thanks, Mary. Why don’t we ask Tom and John to join us?   _________________________________
           Mary   I guess they would like to. Shall I call them?     _________________________________
           Jane   Yes, but I suggest calling later. Let’s go to the kitchen.   _________________________________

          8.  Read the situations given and make suggestions as in the example. Then, share your answers
              with your friends. You can refer to Part 7.
              E.g.   - You go outside and it starts to rain.        - Let’s go back home and watch TV.
              a. It is a sunny Sunday afternoon and you are bored at home. ______________________________________
              b. Tomorrow is your best friend’s birthday.    ______________________________________
              c. You have nothing ready for dinner.          ______________________________________
              d. I have a couple days off.                   ______________________________________
              e. The stores offer big sales at the shopping mall.   ______________________________________

         9.  Listen to the phone conversations and fill in the missing parts. Tapescript 9.2.1
                                                  1                                                   2
           Jane    Mary Watson’s office, Jane ______________.  Ted    Hello, it’s Ted.
           Victor  Hi. Can I speak to Mary Watson, please?  Lisa   Hi, Ted. It’s me, Lisa. Is Tina _______________?
           Jane    Could I ask who’s _______________?  Ted    Sorry, Lisa, she is _______________ now. Would you
           Victor  Victor Coleman.                               like to _______________ her a message?
           Jane    _______________ a moment, please.   Lisa   Of course. Bye.

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