Page 64 - English 9 | Skills Based Activity Book
P. 64

                                •  Asking for and giving suggestions
                                •  Doing shopping                                                  English  9
                                •  Making requests
                                •  Talking about future plans                                         Theme 9
                                •  Making and answering phone calls
                                                                                        Invitations & Celebrations
          3.  Read the dialog and find out Ashton’s future plans. Then, share them with your friends as in
              the example.

              Harper  Hi, Ashton. How are you doing?
              Ashton  Well, all is fine, Harper. I have just a couple of months left for my graduation from the college.
              Harper  How does that make you feel?
              Ashton  I’m pretty excited and can’t wait for it.
              Harper  Do you have any plans for the following months?
              Ashton  I miss my parents a lot. I want to visit them in Chicago in June.
              Harper  For how long?
              Ashton  I can stay there only for two weeks because I have a meeting with the Atlatics’ manager then. I also
                      want to start exercising again. I’m planning to attend a language course at the same time and read
                      lots of books on history.
              Harper  Wow, sounds great! A meeting with the manager for the practical training?
              Ashton  Yup! Exactly. I must have a practical training next August. Everything will be great.
              Harper  For sure.
              Ashton  What about you? Is everything all right? Any plans coming up?
              Harper  Hmm… I’m in a hurry right now. What about calling you and having a chat on this later?
              Ashton  No worries. Talk to you soon!

                                           E.g.   Ashton is going to graduate from the college in a couple of months.

          4.  Listen to the dialog between the customer and the assistant and tick what they are
              talking about. Tapescript 9.3.1

              F   size              F   availability       F   quality           F   form of payment
              F   price             F   location of the product  F   brand       F   warranty period

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