Page 13 - English 11 | Activity Book-2
P. 13

Reading Activity-2

            A)  What do you know about the extreme sports in the photos?

            Some people prefer living dangerously and always keep on inventing new and fascinating methods to do so. Let's
            take a look at some of the most recent extreme sports crazes that are sweeping the globe. However, without
            adequate training and equipment, you should not attempt any of these on your own.

            SNOWBIKING: Are you looking forward to hitting the slopeshitting the slopes this winter?
            Then, why not try snowbiking, the newest thrill-seeking activity that

            is gaining popularity throughout the world? Snowbiking entails riding
            a bicycle on the snow with skis instead of wheels. Expert skiers and
            mountain bikers will relish the challengechallenge. It all began in North America, and
            its popularity continues to increase. Some supporters are even attempting

            to have it recognized as an Olympic event.

                                              PARKOUR: Parkour, also known as free-running, may be the greatest sport
                                              for persons who enjoy running, climbing, and jumping. Runners must go
                                              from point A to point B as quickly as possible, going over rather than
                                              around  obstaclesobstacles such as walls, trees, benches, and even structures. It
                                              began in France and has now spread to London and other major cities.

            KITESURFING: What do you get if you combinecombine kite and surfing? Kitesurfing
            is a new craze that occupies the Hawaii coast and is now spreading rapidly
            throughout the world. Kitesurfing involves flying high in the air with a
            parachute above you and a board attachedattached to your feet. It's hard to learn,
            but once done, it can be very exciting.

           B)  Read the text about extreme sports and complete the sentences.
                1.  Never try any of these extreme sports crazes without _________________________________________.

                2.  To go snowbiking, you need _________________________________________.
                3.  Snowbiking started _________________________________________ .
                4.  In parkour, runners must _________________________________________ .
                5.  Parkour started _________________________________________ .

                6.  Kitesurfing combines _________________________________________ .
                7.  To go kitesurfing, you need _________________________________________ .

            C)  Match the highlighted words in the text with their meanings below.
                1.  objects which block your way_________________________________________
                2.  something new and difficult _________________________________________

                3.  mix _________________________________________
                4.  go skiing _________________________________________
                5.  fastened _________________________________________

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     13 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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