Page 16 - English 11 | Activity Book-2
P. 16

Fun Time

                                        QUESTIONNAIRE ABOUT YOUR INTERESTS

          Instructions to Complete
          Read the statements and score them from 1 to 5 in the clear box next to each one.
          Score 1 if you strongly disagree and score 5 if you strongly agree with the statement.
          Add up your points in each column and write the overall score underneath.

         I like …                                   P          E         S          C          I          O

         making designs from my ideas.
         taking part in sports.

         obtaining the correct information.
         making things with my hands.
         learning new things.

         using imagination in my studies.
         influencing others to do or purchase something.

         organizing things, people, and events.
         being able to help people in some manner.
         working on research projects.

         informing people about a new product.
         making lists.

         expressing myself in music, painting, or writing.
         working in groups.
         inquiring theories.

         taking risks.
         analyzing statistical data.

         working outside in the fresh air.
         listening to people’s problems.
         examining a company's yearly financial statements.

         selling something I have made.
         writing reports and articles.

         using tools to make things.
         participating in an art project.

         Totals for each column

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     16 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21