Page 14 - English12 | Activity book-2
P. 14

Fun Time

                                     INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT ZODIAC SIGNS

            Read the facts and find the interesting fact about your and your best friend’s zodiac sign.

                          Research conducted by a famous         According to the research, more
                          production company found that          world leaders are  Scorpios than
                          people with  Sagittarius zodiac        any other sign. It is most probably
                          sign are twice as likely to become     because they are independent
                          famous.                                and ambitious.

                          Aquarians and  Capricorns are          Cancers never throw stuff away,
                          claimed to make less money in a        so the zodiac sign of the hoarders
                          year than the other signs.             in the USA is often Cancer.

                                                                People  with  Pisces  zodiac  sign
                          Libra is known as the zodiac sign     are  creative  and  have  a  sense  of
                          of beauty, and a study suggests       aesthetics, so they generally pursue
                          that Libras are inclined to have a    a career involving music and other
                          dimple on their cheeks.
                                                                creative arts.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM    14 ENGLISH-12
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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