Page 9 - English12 | Activity book-2
P. 9

Multiple Choice

            5.  Choose the option that is closest in meaning to    7.
                    the sentence below.                               •  He is overweight and has got short brown hair

                                                                       with green eyes. He also has got a moustache
                   “It’s easier to build a friendship than maintain it.”  and beard.
                                                                      •  She is slim and has got short blonde hair and blue
             A)  People easily make new friends, and their             eyes. She doesn’t wear any glasses or have any
                friendship may last forever.                           tattoos.
             B)  You can easily make a friend, but maintaining a      •  She is plump and has got an oval face with long
                friendship is more difficult than building up one.
             C)  Having a true friend may be difficult for you, but    brown  hair  and  blue  eyes.  She  wears  sports
                once you have one, it lasts forever.                   clothes and trainers.
             D)  As building up a new friendship is not as easy       •  He is well-built and has got short brown hair with
                as it seems, many people don’t have a lifelong         a moustache and beard. His arms are covered
                friendship.                                            with tattoos. He is wearing casual clothes and a
             E)  Friendships are easily built, but how long they       hat.
                will last depends on how understanding you are
                to each other.
                                                                   Look at the descriptions above. Which of the
                                                                   following pictures is not described?

                                                                          A)                       B)

                6.     Which of the following is not a characteristic
                        of a true friend?

            A)  Supportive
            B)  Thoughtful                                                  C)                      D)
            C)  Judgmental
            D)  Dependable
            E)    Respectful


                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     9 ENGLISH-12
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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