Page 11 - English 10 | Activity Book 6
P. 11

Reading Activity

          A   Answer the questions.

              1. Look at the first letters of each line and write the message in the acrostic poem.
              2. Find three negative adjectives from the poem and describe the poet’s feelings at the beginning?
              3. What should you do to start a new beginning according to the poet?
              4. Find three positive words and describe the poet’s feelings at the end?
              5. The poet thinks positivity and peace are the results of helpful tips; do you agree with that?

          B  Find the antonyms of the words below in the poem and learn their meanings.

               1                Chaos                                       ____________________________

              2                Disunity                                     ____________________________

              3               Happiness                                     ____________________________

              4                 Useless                                     ____________________________

              5                 Defeat                                      ____________________________

          C   Read the instruction paragraph below.

              We all worry and get upset from time to time. It’s a normal part of life, right? But what happens if we can’t
              calm down? Here are some helpful, actionable tips you can try the next time you need to calm down.

              Decide what you should do when you get upset by choosing the True Tips among the sentences below.

              1. Take a deep and long breath. / Take a quick and short breath.

              2. Punch the walls or somewhere else. / Go for a walk or run.
              3. Focus on the event you have experienced. / Leave the situation for better decision making.

              4. Listen to soothing music. / Listen to hard music.
              5. Deny that you are angry or anxious. / Admit that you are angry or anxious.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     11 ENGLISH-10
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16