Page 12 - English 10 | Activity Book 6
P. 12

Skill-based Activity

             1. Read the explanation in the yellow box and then circle the correct rule for the
             explanation from one of the blue boxes in the second row.
             2. The arrow from the blue box will lead you to the next yellow box. Repeat the process
             until you reach a word and circle it.

                                          to express likely or possible consequences

                  if Type 1           should               must              mustn’t            had better

                 If you shop       If you buy local    If you use public   If you recycle your   If you use reusable
              second-hand, _____     food, _____     transportation, _____  books, _____        bags, _____

                                 you will
              you will go and   protect the   no one will want   I’ll go out   it will be dirty.  it will be
                see them.                        to use it.       anyway.                         cheaper.

                                 Can you                                        Can you help   Will you increase
               What should     reduce your     What will your   What job will   with a healthier   your vocabulary,
               you do, _____      carbon       mum say, _____  you have, _____  environment,
                              footprints, _____                                     _____           _____

                                                                                                 if you turn
              if you speak 5   if you want to   if it is fun?  if you are late   if he is famous?  down the
               languages?     be ecofriendly?                     home?

                regulation        liberty        insurance       outcome          support           law

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     12 ENGLISH-10
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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