Page 12 - English 9 | Activity Book 6
P. 12

Skill-based Activity

          A  Look at the menu and fill in the blanks with the names of the meals from the menu.


                                    ENTREES               SNACKS             BEVERAGES
                               FISH TACO  ..............  $7,00  FISH AND CHIPS  ............  $6,00  HOUSE ICED TEA  .......  $3,00
                               GARLIC SHIRIMP  ......  $6,00  BEEF JERKY  ................  $4,00  BOTTLED WATER  .......  $4,00
                               FRIED CALAMARI  ......  $6,00  SPICED CHIPS  ................  $3,00  ESPRESSO  .................  $3,00
                                                  HOT CHICKEN WINGS  .....  $4,00  AMERICANO  ..............  $4,00
                                    BURGERS       FRIED ONION RINGS  ......  $3,00  CITRUS LEMONADE  ....  $4,00
                                                  GRILLED SAUSAGE  ........  $4,00
                               CHICKEN AND AVO  .........  $12,00  GRILL SPECIALS  SIDE DISHES
                               CHEESEBURGER  ..............  $14,00
                                                                         FRENCH FRIES  .............  $4,00
                                                  T-BONE STEAK WITH HERB BUTTER  ...  $22,00  GRILLED VEGIES  ..........  $5,00
                                                  RIB EYE STEAK  .....................................  $18,00  MASHED POTATOES  ...  $4,00
                                                  GRILLED CHICKEN BREAST ....................  $16,00
                                                  GRILLED SALMON  ................................  $21,00

              Waitress:   Hello, welcome to Berlin Old Town Café.
              Tolga:     Thank you. Can I have the menu, please?
              Waitress:   Of course, here you are. What kind of things would you like to try?
              Tolga:     I don’t like garlic and calamari. Could you advise a starter for me?
              Waitress:   Because you don’t like garlic and calamari, the only choice for you is (1) ______________________________.
              Tolga:     That would be fine for me.
              Waitress:   What would you like for the main course? A burger or grilled specials?
              Tolga:     I would like to try both, but I don’t want to eat beef.
              Waitress:   Do you like cheese?
              Tolga:     Sure.
              Waitress:  Then, you can try (2) ______________________________ or (3) ______________________________. And from the
                         grilled specials, you can try (4) ______________________________ or (5) ______________________________.
              Tolga:     I like fish most, so I would like to have (6) ______________________________ as the main dish.
              Waitress:   What about the burger?
              Tolga:     (7) ______________________________ is fine for me because I don’t want to eat a burger with some
                         cheese now. I can find and try it anywhere.
              Waitress:   Do you prefer iced tea or coffee?
              Tolga:     I prefer neither of them. Could you please bring me some (8) ______________________________ and
                         (9) ______________________________, please?
              Waitress:   Would you like potatoes as a side dish?
              Tolga:     I want to try something else. May I take some (10) ______________________________, please?
              Waitress:  Sure. I hope you enjoy your meal.

          B  Write the receipt by looking at Tolga's          C  Look at the menu and write your order
            order. Then write the total price.                  according to your preference.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     12 ENGLISH-9
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17