Page 8 - English 9 | Activity Book 6
P. 8

Multiple Choice

          1.   At an airport, the place you leave your luggage and   5. Read the dialogue and fill in the blank with the
            get your boarding pass is the _____________.         appropriate question.
            A) security                                          Waiter:    Hello, how can I help you?
            B) departure gate
                                                                 Halime:    I’d like to have lunch.
            C) flight information screen
                                                                 Waiter:    _____________________ ?
            D) check-in desk
            E) plane                                             Halime:    No, thanks. I would like to order from the
                                                                            main course.

                                                                 Waiter:    OK.
                                                                 A) Would you like to drink something
          2. Dear passengers! This is the final call. The flight DD   B) Can I bring you anything else
            181014 _____________ now, and you are expected to the   C) What about you, madam
            Gate 18A as soon as possible.
                                                                 D) How much is the lunch
            A) boards
                                                                 E) Would you like a starter
            B) is boarding
            C) board
            D) are boarding
            E) boarding

                                                              6. Read the text. What kind of information cannot you
                                                                 find about Sydney?

          3.  At a restaurant, which of the sentences belongs to
            the customer?

            A) Would you like to drink something?
            B) Could we have the bill, please?
            C) Can I bring you anything else?
            D) Would you like a starter?
            E) What about you, madam?

                                                                 The capital of Australia, Sydney is Australia’s oldest
                                                                 and largest city with nearly 4 million inhabitants.
          4. Find the sentence closest in meaning to the given
            sentence.                                            Sydney offers different tourist attractions like Sydney
                                                                 Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge, etc. Don’t miss
           “The reason I love visiting Paris so much is the Eiffel Tower.”  the chance to shop in Queen Victoria Building, a

            A) I am into visiting Paris very much because the Eiffel   famous shopping centre. This is a must-see place, too.
              Tower is there.                                    In addition, come to Sydney in January to see more in
            B) The Eiffel Tower is in Paris, but I love visiting   Sydney.
              somewhere else.                                    A) its population
            C) I like travelling to Paris because Eiffel Tower is one of   B) famous places to visit
              the most well-known sights.                        C) shopping malls
            D) I dislike being in Paris, and I don’t want to see the   D) its history and culture
              Eiffel Tower.
                                                                 E) best time to visit
            E) Because I love visiting Paris, the Eiffel Tower is there.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     8 ENGLISH-9
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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