Page 10 - English 10 | Activity Book 6
P. 10

Multiple Choice

          1.  Which of the following festival is described below?
                                                                Read the paragraph answer the following questions 5 – 7.
            It’s the most famous religious festival in Turkey. It’s held
            after you fast for a month. It lasts three days, desserts   Québec City, Canada, hosts residents and visitors during
            and candies are served while people visit their relatives.  its warming Carnival of Winter festival in January or
                                                                 February. It lasts two weeks, and the carnival features
            A) Sacrifice Festival      B) Ramadan Festival
                                                                 two night-time parades led by its cheerful mascot,
            C) The Eve of Power       D) Victory Day             Bonhomme (‘good-natured man’), whose huge ice
                        E) Republic Day
                                                                 palace is built and sculpted especially each year. You
                                                                 can also see other complex sculptures skillfully carved

                                                                 out of ice blocks, go ice skating, and watch teams
          2. Which of the following activities is  not done on
            Turkish Republic Day?                                compete in ice canoe races along the Saint Lawrence
                                                                 River. And, there’s plenty of live music, street food,
            A) Gifts are exchanged.                              and heated terraces where you can sip a steaming hot
            B) Fireworks are launched.                           chocolate while soaking up the atmosphere.
            C) Poems are recited.
            D) Parades are held.
            E) Folk dance performances are done.              5. Which of the following questions does not have an
                                                                 answer in the paragraph?
                                                                 A) What does the festival celebrate?
          3. Which of the following theme is related to the
            festival in the paragraph below?                     B) What can you do during this festival?
                                                                 C) How do people feel during the festival?
            The world-famous Hermanus Whale Festival usually     D) When is the festival held?
            takes place annually at the end of September. This
            fabulous event attracts over 130.000 visitors for the   E) How long does the festival last?
            week-long festivities. The city comes alive during the
            Hermanus Whale Festival, with 100's of attractions for
            everyone to enjoy and explore.

            A) Food Festival          B) New Years’ Festival  6. What is 'Bonhomme'?

            C) Religious Festival     D) National Festival       A) It’s an ice palace.
                        E) Eco-Art Festival                      B) It’s the name of the carnival.
                                                                 C) It’s a good natured-man.

          4. Which of the following order is correct for the hot   D) It’s an ice-sculptured mascot.
            chocolate recipe?                                    E) It’s a symbol of cheerfulness.
            I.  Then, heat over medium/medium-low heat, frequently
              whisking until warm (but not boiling).
            II.  Finally, whisk in vanilla extract, serve immediately.

            III. Next, add chocolate chips and whisk constantly until
              the chocolate chips melt and distribute evenly into the   7.  Which of the following phrases is closest in meaning
              milk.                                              to the words in red?
            IV. First, put milk, cocoa powder and sugar in a small   A) To take a deep breath.
              saucepan.                                          B) To get involved in the way of life, there.

            A) IV – I – III – I       B) I – II – III – IV       C) To be relaxed in the atmosphere.
                                                                 D) To be in the mood.
            C) II – I – III – IV      D) IV –I – III – II
                        E) IV – III – I – II                     E) To be in a bad mood.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     10 ENGLISH-10
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15