Page 9 - English 10 | Activity Book 6
P. 9

Gap Filling

           2 A  Fill in the blanks with relative pronouns who, which/that, when, where, and the words below to
               find what these things are.

             digital therapeutics          feast  municipality       witness     dashboard           1919

              1                                 2                                 3

              A ___________________ is a huge delicious  _______________ was the year ____________  A _________________ is a person
              meal ___________________ is served at a   Atatürk arrived in Samsun to start   ___________ sees an event typically a
              party or a celebration.          Turkish Independence War.         crime or an accident.

              4                                 5                                6

              ___________________________ are software
              programs, ____________ are prescribed                              A ______________________ is a data
              by the doctors, can be accessed on   A _______________ is a place ______________   visualization _______________________
              patient’s smartphones or through                                   displays, analyses all of your data.
              personal computers.              you can ask for local problems.

           2 B  Complete the clues with relative pronouns and find the words that start with ‘L’ in the wheel.

                                                                     The system of rules
                    WHO                                       1    ——————     a particular   6

                  for people                          ——————      L  country or community   L
                                                  A place  has a  lot of trees.         ——————  ——————
               THAT / WHICH                                                                restricted.
                   for things                                                                     means
                                              2   L  ————
                                                                                             The opposite of unlimited
                                                                                          L  ——————    5
                   WHERE                                  The state
                                                                                           something happens
                   for places                to act and speak freely.  or condition     The place  ——————
                                                     of  people
                                                                      An object               or is situated.
                                                                    or feature of   L  ———————
                                                     are able
                    WHEN                                           a landscape or
               for points in time                        3 _     town  ——————   is     4
                                                                    easily seen.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     9 ENGLISH-10
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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