Page 16 - English 11 | Activity Book 6
P. 16

Fun Time

          1  Pull out the research and travel books; fire up the Internet. Are you ready to take the “Ultimate
            Turkish Quiz”? Fill in the blanks with the cities, regions, or answers that match each description.
            Choose the answers in the box.

                                                  Ultimate Turkish Quiz

             Dervishes       Bosphorus       Ephesus         Cappodocia      Selimiye         Constantinople
             Dalyan          Gordion         Pamukkale       Rize            Diyarbakır       Thrace & Anatolia
             Demre           Bursa           Şehitgazi       Bodrum          Çatalhöyük
             Tarsus          Boncuk          King Antiochus I Paris          Troy

                        Ultimate Turkish Quiz Questions:

              1.  Blue “Evil Eye” protector:

              2.  Only “mortal” statue on Mt. Nemrut:

              3.  Region of “mushroom” formations & underground cities:

              4.  City famous as a centre of Turkish tea industry:
              5.  Valley where you’ll find the Tomb of King Midas:

              6.  City seat of the legendary King Midas:

              7.  Name of the famous “whirling” dancers:

              8.  Where you’ll find St. Paul’s well:

              9.  City of St. Nicholas (not the North Pole):
                                                                             Ultimate Turkish Quiz Answers:
              10.  City known for loggerhead turtle nesting:                1.  ________________________________________

              11.  Remnants of Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, one of the Seven   2.  ________________________________________
                                                                            3.  ________________________________________
                 Wonders of the World, found here:                          4.  ________________________________________
                                                                            5.  ________________________________________
              12.  Terraced white calcium carbonate flows are here:         6.  ________________________________________

              13.  Where you’ll find the House of Mary, the Blessed Virgin:   7.  ________________________________________
                                                                            8.  ________________________________________
              14.  Became the first capital of the Ottoman Empire in 1326:   9.  ________________________________________
                                                                            10.  ________________________________________
              15.  Connects the Black Sea with the Sea of Marmara:
                                                                            11.  ________________________________________
              16.  The barracks where Florence Nightingale practised nursing:   12.  ________________________________________
                                                                            13.  ________________________________________
              17.  The Orient Express ran 1,800 miles between Istanbul and this city:   14.  ________________________________________
                                                                            15.  ________________________________________
              18.  Originated in 7000 BC, perhaps the world’s first “town”:
                                                                            16.  ________________________________________
              19.  Home of the gigantic Watermelon Festival:                17.  ________________________________________
                                                                            18.  ________________________________________
              20. Two major divisions of Turkey (one in Europe, one in Asia):   19.  ________________________________________
                                                                            20. ________________________________________
              21.  Home of Turkey’s largest and most famous horse:
                                                                            21.  ________________________________________
              22. İstanbul’s previous name:                                 22. ________________________________________

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     16 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21