Page 12 - English 11 | Activity Book 6
P. 12
Reading Activity
1 A Match the sports with the paragraphs. One is extra.
B RIVERBOARDING This extreme sport is leaping off tall structures while
connected to a thick rubber band. The thrill of the free-fall is
not only the thrill, but also the jumper flies upwards as core
D BASE JUMPING rebounds. Maybe this is not an extreme sport as the skill is
down to the knowledge of the commercial operator setting
E FREE RUNNING & PARKOUR up the equipment correctly, and for most who participate, it
F BUNGEE JUMPING is just a one-off thrill.
This sport is a leisure and competitive adventure activity
This is an aviation sport in which a pilot flies
of flying lightweight, free-flying, foot-launched sailplanes
a small, unpowered, foot-launchable aircraft,
with no solid primary structure. The pilot sits in a harness
most of which are made of an aluminium alloy
suspended below a fabric wing. The harness usually holds a
or composite-framed fabric wing. The pilot is
reserve parachute for emergencies. Wing shape is maintained
ensconced in a harness suspended from the
by the suspension lines, the pressure of air entering vents in
airframe and exercises control by shifting
the front of the wing, and the aerodynamic forces of the air
body weight in opposition to a control
flowing over the outside. Despite the lack of an engine, the
frame. Still, other devices, including modern
person who does this sport can fly. This sport is closely related
aircraft flight control systems, may be used.
to hang gliding, but it is slower and easier to launch and fly
Parachutes are standard equipment, but you
in light wind conditions. The minimum fly speed is 20km
do not release the glider; the parachute takes
per hour, and the maximum is 65km per hour. The pilot can
the pilot and the glider together. Modern
acquire height by skillfully exploiting sources of lift, typically
technology gives pilots the ability to soar for
reaching altitudes of a few thousand metres.
hours, gain thousands of metres of altitude
in thermal updrafts, perform aerobatics,
and float cross-country for hundreds of _______________________________________________________
kilometres. This sport is, without doubt, an extreme sport in which a
person jumps from a fixed place and uses a parachute to slow
down before the ground is reached. Its name is an acronym
________________________________________ that stands for each of the four jump location categories:
This is a relatively new sport using very buildings, antennas, spans (bridges) and the earth. The idea
buoyant boards with handles. They are for this sport came from skydiving, but it is much more
manoeuvred down the white water with dangerous than skydiving from aircraft. The parachutes are
the help of fins to keep out of harm’s way. designed to open more quickly and at lower air speeds than
Quick thinking is essential! The rider wears regular parachutes for this sport. There is no reserve parachute
a wetsuit, a life jacket, gloves, helmet and as there would be no time to use it. A freefall from 150m takes
kneepads to protect against the rocks and just 5.6 seconds. At the other end of the scale, there have been
the cold. jumps from peaks and cliffs, over 6000 metres high.