Page 8 - English 11 | Activity Book 6
P. 8

Gap Filling

            1  Complete the sentences with the words below. One is extra.

              founded           situated        developed           built            toured           known

                    Cappadocia is best              known             for its fairytale landscape of unusual formations resembling
                    chimneys, cones, and pinnacles.

              2     Anıtkabir is ______________________ in Ankara.

              3     Mardin's Old City is ______________________ easily by walking.

              4     Ephesus was ______________________ in the 10th century BC.

              5     Several castles in Anatolia were ______________________ by the Romans.

            2  Read some facts about Turkey and fill in the blanks using the words below.

                  İstanbul         archaeologists         sound

                Galata Tower            gift              Europe
                   located        Mevlana Museum        Heredotus

                    Lydia              Demre         Temple of Artemis

              1.        İstanbul       , the largest city in Turkey, is the only city in the
                 world that is located on two different continents, with sections
                 in both Europe and Asia.
              2.  St. Nicholas, also known as Santa Claus, was born and lived in
                 ____________________ , Turkey (and you thought his only known address was the North Pole!).
              3.  Two of the "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World" stood in modern-day Turkey. They were the ____________________
                 in Ephesus and the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus in Bodrum.
              4.  The tulip, which is most often associated with The Netherlands, originated in Turkey and was sent as a
                 ____________________ from Turkey to Europe.
              5.  Turkey also introduced coffee to ____________________.
              6.  The most valuable silk carpet in the world is in the ____________________ in Konya, Turkey (in a display case, not on
                 the floor!).
              7.  The very first coins were minted in Sardis, the capital of the Ancient Kingdom of ____________________, at the end
                 of the 7  century BC (bubble gum machines and telephone booths weren't invented until many years later!).
              8.  The world's oldest known human settlement is ____________________ in Çatalhöyük, Konya, Turkey, dating back to
                 6500 BC.
              9.  Many ____________________ believe that Noah's ark landed on Mount Ağri in Eastern Turkey following the flood.
              10. Turkey  is  the  birthplace of many  historical  figures  and  legends, such as the poet Homer, King Midas,
                 ____________________, and Saint Paul.
              11. The first man to fly was Turkish. Using two wings, Hezarfen Ahmed Celebi flew from Europe to Asia or from the
                 ____________________ over the Bosphorus to land in Üskudar in the 17  century (students, don't try this at home!).
              12. One Turkish word that may ____________________ familiar is "yoghurt," which was initially produced in Turkey.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     8 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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