Page 10 - English 10 | Activity Book 9
P. 10

Reading Activity

          A  Look at the code chart below. Each number symbolizes a letter. Find which number
            symbolizes which letter to find the words about Albert Einstein.

              a  b   c   d  e   f  g   h   i  j   k   l  m   n  o   p  q   r   s  t   u   v  w   x  y   z
              4 20 13    5  16 10 21 14    1  24 18   7  11 22 6 26 9 25 15       2   19 23 8   12  3   17

                 25 16 7 4 2 1 23 1 2 3           26 14 3 15 1 13 1 15 2          11 6 7 16 13 19 7 16 15
              1.                               2.                             3.

          B  Read the text and answer the questions.

                                               THE IMPACT OF EINSTEIN

            Albert Einstein was born on March 14th, 1879 in Germany. His father’s name was Hermann Einstein. He was a salesman

            and later ran an electrochemical factory with moderate success. His mother’s name was Pauline Koch; she was a
            housewife. They had one daughter, Maria, who was born two years after Albert. The family moved to Italy, but they
            left Einstein at a boarding school in Munich and expected him to finish his education. He was not very good at his

            lessons during his primary education. He used to fail his exams, but he was interested in mathematics, science, and
            music. Although Einstein didn't have a high school diploma equivalent, the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School accepted
            him into their program if he passed its entrance examination, and he managed to pass the exam in 1911 in Zurich. His
            marks showed that he was good at mathematics and physics, but he failed at French, chemistry, and biology. Finally,
            they accepted him as a student at their university. After he graduated from university in 1902, he worked as a clerk

            in the patent office in Bern, Switzerland. He married Mileva Marić in 1903, and had a daughter in 1902, and later had
            two sons. He had submitted his doctoral thesis to the University of Zurich when he was 26 years old. Albert Einstein
            made essential contributions to the foundation of quantum physics, introduced special relativity, and established

            the scientific basis of nuclear energy in his life. Einstein had a theory about the solar eclipse, which provided a
            rare opportunity to observe gravity’s effect on light in 1919 while working as a theoretical physics professor at the
            University of Berlin. Einstein got many rewards, including the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics, in 1922. He was one of the
            most intelligent and influential mathematical physicists in science history. He died in 1955 in New Jersey, the USA.

              1.  When and where was Einstein born?
              2.  Why is Einstein a hero?
              3.  Which fields was Einstein interested in?
              4.  Where and when did he die?

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     10 ENGLISH-10
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15