Page 6 - English 10 | Activity Book 9
P. 6

Gap Filling

           A  Fill in the blanks with the Type 2 conditional sentences by using the words in the

               1    If my children _______________________ (like) flying kite, I _______________________ (teach) them how to build a kite.

              2     If the T-shirt _______________________ (be) pink, I _______________________ (buy) it as it is my favourite colour.

               3    If I _______________________ (not / plan) to go abroad, I _______________________ (not / learn) French.

              4     My dad _______________________ (visit) the Tower of Pisa if he _______________________ (go) to Italy.

              5     If I _______________________ (not / have) a computer, I _______________________ (not / finish) my project on time.

              6     If I _______________________ (be) you, I _______________________ (talk) to Jane. She is an understanding girl.

               7    If this sports car _______________________ (not / be) so expensive, I _______________________ (buy) it.

              8     Paying bills _______________________ (not / be) so easy if there _______________________ (not / be) for the Internet.

              9     If you _______________________ (turn up) the music, the baby _______________________ (wake up) and cry.

                    If the manager _______________________ (be) more understanding, we _______________________ (have) a better

           B  Read the situation and make a sentence by using wish.

                                  SITUATION                                        WISH

              1   Today is very hot.                             I wish I could swim and sunbathe.

                  There is a concert of my favourite group in the evening, but   I ___________________________________________________________
                  I have to finish my project.                    __________________________________________________________.
                  Sally feels so sad as she is far away from her parents on   She ________________________________________________________
                  Thanksgiving Day.                               ___________________________________________________________.

                  My best friend, Tom, is going to come over for dinner today.   I ___________________________________________________________
                  He is fond of grilled meat, but I don’t know how to cook it.  __________________________________________________________.
                  Laura has a piano at her home, but she doesn’t know how   She ________________________________________________________
                  to play it.                                     ___________________________________________________________.
                  My grandma has bought a bike for my little brother, but he   He _________________________________________________________
                  is afraid of riding it.                         ___________________________________________________________.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     6 ENGLISH-10
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11