Page 17 - English12 | Activity Book 9
P. 17

Answer Key


             A       1. b                         2. c                        3. a

             B       1. b                  2. c                 3. d                 4. a

                                                    Gap Filling

                    1. (b) Really?                           1. (a) at first          6. (g) otherwise
                                                             2. (j) because           7. (b/d) Thus / So
                    2. (c) You’re so lucky!
             A                                       B       3. (f) Besides           8. (i) such as
                    3. (d) It makes no difference to me.
                                                             4. (h) not only ... but also  9. (c) either ... or
                    4. (a) I’m mad about  smartwatches.      5. (b/d) so / thus       10. (e) In conclusion

                                                Multiple Choice

                   1. D           2. D          3. B          4. C           5. A          6. E
                   7. B           8. C          9. A          10. B          11. E         12. D

                                               Reading Activity

             A      Students’ own answers

                    1. It was invented in 1989.
                    2. Being distracted from other activities and relationships, spending too much time in front of the
                     screen, or posting too quickly.
                    3. Using technology in moderation is important for them.
                    4. In order not to decrease the quality of activities.
                    5. Students’ own answers.

                                                           1. Some advice to use           a. Paragraph 4
                    1. reasonable       a. moderate          technology more effectively
                    2. change           b. alter           2. How teenage brain related to   b. Paragraph 2
             C      3. uncontrolled      c. unlimited  D     technology
                    4. fundamental     d. essential        3. The necessary amount of      c. Paragraph 3
                    5. task           e. chore               usage of technological
                                                             devices based on research.

             E      1. a                  2. b                  3. b                  4. a

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     17 ENGLISH-12
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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