Page 13 - English12 | Activity Book 9
P. 13

Fun Time

             Read the facts about technology. Search and write two more funny facts below.

                                                Astounding Technology Facts!!

              1    Radio took 38 years to achieve 50 million listeners. Can you imagine how long it is?
                   Today, a video can be watched by 50 million listeners just in a few hours!

                  Reading speed varies based on the source. Using a computer reduces your blink rate
              2   and reading from a screen slows you down. Screen reading is 10% slower than print
                  reading! Did you know that people generally blink twenty times each minute in
                  regular life? In front of a computer, they only do this seven times every minute.

                   The initial mouse wasn't plastic. Doug Engelbart created the first computer mouse in
              3    1964! It was made of wood back then, and it rectangular with a button on the right.
                   He dubbed it a mouse since the back chord reminded him of the little rodents.

              4    Eighty-five percent of individuals plug in USB devices backwards. Doesn’t that fact
                   make you feel better about your mistakes?

                   Yes! It is right that your surgeon is a gamer. Surgeons who spent more than 3 hours
              5    each week playing video games make 37% fewer errors! They also had a 42 percent
                   faster completion rate for laparoscopic surgery and suturing.

                  Have you heard of "technophobia"? It is true that some people are terrified of
              6   technology. This concern came from the Industrial Revolution, with workers fearing
                  job loss to machines. It also pertains to today's society, with many fearing overly
                  sophisticated technology, such as artificial intelligence.

                   Kids who spend an hour a day on social media are less happy. Not surprisingly, more
              7    time spent on social media reduces overall happiness by 14%. This is three times the
                   effect of living with a single parent.

                   The QWERTY keyboard was supposed to slow you down. Typing too quickly jammed

              8    typewriter keys. Making use of a QWERTY keyboard slowed typists and prevented
                   jamming. Dvorak is the fastest way to learn a new keyboard. Did you know that on an
                   average workday, a typist's fingers “travel” approximately 12.6 miles?

              9    _______________________________________________________________________________________________________  ?

             10    _______________________________________________________________________________________________________  ?

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     13 ENGLISH-12
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