Page 10 - English12 | Activity Book 9
P. 10

Reading Activity

          A  Do you think smart devices are affecting developing brains positively or negatively?
             Here is a text about technology and the teenage brain. Read the text and check your ideas.

                                           Technology and the Teenage Brain

         1  Thirty-three  years have  passed  since  the invention  of the World  Wide Web  (www) changed society by
            allowing unlimited access to the Internet. It's still unclear how this technology revolution has influenced brain

            development. The impact of Internet use on the brains of teenagers is of particular concern.
            Children and teenagers are the ultimate experts when it comes to technology. When children reach the age of
            a teenager, they gain freedom and begin to use and own devices. Inside and outside the classroom, technology
            allows students to interact, study, and have fun. However, there are risks associated with technology, such
            as being distracted from other activities and relationships, spending too much time in front of the screen, or

            posting too quickly. Some essential features of the developing teenage brain can enhance both the positive
            and harmful aspects of technology. The brain has regions that react to exciting or rewarding activities, as well
            as regions that help you plan and regulate your impulses. Both systems work together to help you learn. The
            balance between reward and control regions shifts as teenagers grow and their brains alter. As a result of these

            changes, teens are more inclined to explore, take risks, and learn from their peers. On the other hand, these
            brain changes make it difficult for individuals to control their behaviour, particularly when friends are around
            or when there is a lot of excitement. Besides, technology exploit the tension between reward and control by
            means of games. Therefore, if online games or applications are used in educational settings, technology can
            help students learn more effectively. Some technological features, on the other hand, can encourage unhealthy

            social relationships or make it difficult to regulate behaviours online.

         3  According to researchers, using technology in moderation is critical. People who use digital devices for too
            little or too much time have the most problems. However, spending a moderate amount of high-quality time
            on digital devices might be related to positive experiences, such as feeling happy and connected to friends.

            Activities that require you to be actively involved, such as speaking with friends and family, working on a project,
            creating content, or learning through videos, are examples of high-quality activities. Low-quality activities,
            such as passive scrolling, comparing yourself to others on social media, or using your devices late at night or
            when you need to do other chores, are linked to emotions of despair, envy, and loneliness. It's also critical to use
            technology with purpose and avoid multitasking and distraction. When you complete homework while chatting

            with friends, for example, the quality of both activities decreases.
         4  The teenage years are an exciting time in your life when you'll discover who you are, make sense of what and
            who you like, and build the skills you'll need to follow your interests. Using your devices with purpose and
            intention can assist you in achieving your goals. Chatting with your friends, posting images of your creative

            work, or connecting with a group of individuals who share a common interest could all have beneficial mental
            health advantages. Rather than focusing on the number of hours, keep an eye on the quality and content of
            what you do online. To make the most of your time, stay active rather than passive when using technology and
            minimise multitasking. Make sure that using your devices does not affect your ability to exercise, get enough
            sleep, complete your homework, or communicate with your friends and family. While experts continue to study

            the relationship between technology and the developing brain, it is important that you take responsibility for
            your personal use of digital media. Instead of allowing your devices to control you, take control of them.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     10 ENGLISH-12
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